My Life - Ballet

My Reflections

{Wednesday, August 20, 2008}

I THINK I fully understand now!

Saying that I'm arrogant is just a cover up or a partial cover-up. The actual fact is that she has never stopped comparing herself to me. Everytime I share my achievements with her, she will have conflicting feelings. One side of her is truely happy for her friend. The other side of her starts to feel bad when she starts comparing. This feeling is bottomed deep inside her heart. And that has increased in intensity throughout these 2 years as my achievements increases.

Maybe she does not preach what she says. She says judging your self worth through comparing with others is arrogant and insecure. However, deep down inside she has never stopped comparing and competing with others.

It maybe due to the conflicting feelings that she has that has caused her much agony. Otherwise she could just have given me a scolding and straighten things out. Why is there agony involved?

It is also my fault that I was insensitive and did not spare a thought for her feelings. Despite knowing that her students did not achieve in terms competition and summer schools, I still went ahead and appeared arrogant in her eyes. In my thoughts, I didn't think I was arrogant, I was merely sharing my true joy and feelings. Hiding true joy and appearing "humble" would be very hypocratical. I thought it was ok since she didn't even believe in sending her students into such things in the first place. But I was wrong.

I didn't know that sharing all my joy with a close friend can appear as boastful and arrogant.

But despite her pretending to be a good friend for these 1-2 years, I still believe that all the things that she has done for me in the past has been from the bottom of her heart.

Anyway, I don't know whether this is true or not. Only she will know best. I still thank her for telling me all these and I wish her all the best!

Quotes of the day:
Always express your true feelings.
Hiding or not being your true self is hypocratical.
Embrace all shortcomings and critise when necessary.
Running away is not a solution to the problem.

... vellerina danced at 10:20 PM ...

Happy for M!

{Tuesday, August 19, 2008}

Yeh, I'm glad to see M back to her cheerful self in class! She looked down for a while.

To M: Wonderful wonderful for picking yourself up and moving on with life! Continue to dance well, move freely and express yourself! You are the best! hee :)

... vellerina danced at 5:21 PM ...

CSTD Dance Competition 2008

{Monday, July 28, 2008}

After months of hard work and repeated practises, my hard work finally paid off and was recognised after one of my students gained 1st place in the Under 8 category. I was over the moon and extremely happy. I guess I was over the moon because I do not expect my girl to win the 1st place.

To more experienced teachers, this 1st place maybe nothing, but to me its a BIG deal! This again tells me that I have what it takes! I did not want to take much credit last year for H and M's win. H had other training elsewhere whereas M was a natural dancer.

This year, I have to claim credit for the win as V had been with me since bebe ballet and with no other training elsewhere. She was also not a natural like M. I had to tell her exactly what to do with her arms specifically. :) I feel so super proud of myself!

Would also like to thank hubby, sister, Jean, KH and mummy for coming by all the way to support me and the girls! :D

... vellerina danced at 10:59 PM ...

Presents from London!!!

{Thursday, June 19, 2008}

Sister just came back from London and she got me so many things! :D

Royal Ballet T shirt and Budding Ballerina T shirt

Harrods Ballerina Bear Tote Bag

Ballerina Pencil Case & Key Chain

Ballerina Pencil Case (back view)

Tyrrell Katz Ballet Mug!!! I Love it!

Tyrrell Katz Ballet Mug (other view)

Ballet dancer mug (royal opera house souvenior)

Ballet Hair Clip which I use every ballet class. My baby got it for me while he was in Cannes :D

... vellerina danced at 10:02 PM ...

Summer School Results!

{Saturday, May 31, 2008}

Let's have the pictures to do the talking!

Left: Level 2c Scholarhip winner - Teo Kai Hui
Right: Level 2c Medalist - Vera Chiew

There are my level 2 winners! Congrats!

My "children"! hahaa

Extreme right: Level 3c Scholarhip Winner - Mindy Liong

Me, Mindy & Summer school teacher - Camille Safton

... vellerina danced at 11:21 PM ...

Summer School Week

{Thursday, May 29, 2008}

This week is so happening and busy! hahaha For the first time I have girls in 3 levels - Level 1, 2 & 3. Been spending some time to observe the girl's classes for the beginning of this week. The girls generally did really well, although I have really shy girls like "Y" who loves to stand at the back and be in low profile. haha

M, V and K are really doing well in their levels. Especially M who is only 8, she is doing the classes with 9 and 10 year olds! Really very proud of her!

M & K are both performing their solos YET again for the 100th time for the summer school concert (afternoon show). So this saturday, I'm going to be ultra busy again!

Will be updating videos of the concert (if I can!) and details of the day soon!

... vellerina danced at 11:43 AM ...

She looks amazing young!

{Tuesday, April 08, 2008}

Cannot believe when she told me she is close to 40 years old! Oh my goodness. She looks so young with a nice complexion and no noticeable wrinkles. Amazing! She totally looks like 25! So exercise can really do wonders! hahahaha I hope to be like that when I'm 40!

... vellerina danced at 12:51 PM ...

{Saturday, March 29, 2008}

Today is one of the rare saturdays evenings that I have nothing to do!

Been going actively to stretching classes and I really really love lateral stretches. I seriously feel so comfortable in lateral stretches that I actually like the pain! So silly right?

After being exposed to kids and more kids every single day (for 1.5 years), I'm beginning to feel younger and more active! Yippie! That day my amore instructor just asked whether I'm still studying. keke

Nothing much happened and everything seems peaceful except on Sundays when the "B****" is teaching.

... vellerina danced at 7:35 PM ...

After 2 months disappearance.....

{Thursday, March 20, 2008}

After 2 months of active exercising and going for dance classes, I think I developed a firmer tummy!!! I'm so happy! Belly dancing really helps to tone up the tummy area fast.

Had a nice chat with my belly dancing instructor today.
1) She said she knew I was a ballet dancer the moment I started to dance. **shy but happy** keke
2) She did ballet when she was little, now she does jazz, hip hop, conditioning and belly dance! She says she is so greedy and likes to do everything. **now I know why I like her class - she usually has some form of "ballet/dance" element in her routines.**

Had another nice chat with Mrs T after exams. Mentioned to her my future plans and hopes she can help me on that. And she says she will try and ask me to email her when my plans are definite. **a big big encouragement**

Started to train M & V for their solos. They are progressing well. **encouraged**

Finished planning all coaching classes for Nov 08 exams. No rest day for me already. Teaching every single day of the week. **sad to the maximum**

Will be starting classes for inter work. *apprehensive - so difficult syllabus*

For the first time, I have nothing to attend for the teacher's seminar. This year seminar is focusing on TC. **happy that I can slack without feeling guilty**

... vellerina danced at 10:07 PM ...

Happy RAT year!

{Monday, February 11, 2008}

First time giving ang baos to the little ones during Chinese New Year! So sad... only collected a handful of angbaos from the elders. Learnt so many things, I must look after the interest of not only myself but also my family. So many people to please.
You know me right? The more people tell me to follow this and follow that, the more I WON"T want to follow. Hubby is always angry at me for not listening. Finally back to normal schedule. :D

... vellerina danced at 4:45 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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