My Life - Ballet

Wishes for 2005

{Friday, December 31, 2004}

I know I'm being too greedy. But here's what I wish for 2005.

1) Stay very healthy
2) Learn how to drive
3) All my students will score honours and above
4) Have an exciting dual-career
5) Pass my CSTD elementary
6) Pass my RAD intermediate
7) Have a smashing recital in Sept 2005
8) Get a higher paying job by end of 2005
9) Sista scores all As for her exams
10) Mummy get a new job
11) Daddy come home
12) Lipei to gain even greater heights in her career and in her leadership position in Soka
13) Go on a holiday to Korea
14) Earns lots of money
15) To perform in esplanade!!
16) Develop even more back muscles
17) Slim down my hips
18) Have straighter knees
19) Develop my arches
20) Dance WELL
21) Find dance classes that are cheap and suit my timing
22) To take a photograph with the principal ballerina of Royal Ballet
23) Have beautiful straight teeth
24) Stay young, no wrinkles, no pimples
25) Save at least $12k.

HAPPY 2005 and all the best!!!

... vellerina danced at 2:05 PM ...

Life's good...

{Monday, December 27, 2004}

Wooo..... I got a pleasant surprise when I reached the client's place today. It has a nice window view of harbourfront! Love the room. Going to like working at that place for the whole of this week even if it means late nights!

... vellerina danced at 8:48 PM ...

New Hair

{Sunday, December 26, 2004}

I've got a new hairstyle!! Hahahaha. Very straight rebonded hair and a fringe that is in between long and short cuz the hairstylist refused to cut it real short for me. But never mind lah, next time I go to a different hairstylist.

Sleeping Beauty today was kind of boring. The stunts were repeated again and again. *yawns*. I think Disney on Ice is more fun!

Looking forward to March 05.

... vellerina danced at 10:44 PM ...

Silent Night Holy Night...

{Friday, December 24, 2004}

It's Christmas eve... !

Had a very hectic week. Worked till late everyday. No time to blog.

BUT I'm going to drop all my work for the moment cuz its Christmas! Family all in KL. BUT I just had a wonderful Christmas feast of pork ribs, bubble tea and salad. Feeling very very full right now.

Spending sometime alone at home before meeting him later.... :)

Merry Christmas!

... vellerina danced at 7:17 PM ...

The Bachelor or Bachelorette?

{Monday, December 20, 2004}

Went for a colleague's wedding on Sunday. Gosh.. It was so touching and wonderful. The ballroom was so nicely decorated. Food was pretty good. And everyone (including the guys) went home with a rose! hahaha. Vee vee commented that we looked like we came out of "The Bachelor" cuz we were all in black gowns. But I told her I just came out from the "The Bachelorette" and the rose that I'm holding is the final rose. heh heh...

Today was a ultimate bbuuusssy monday. I was buzzing around the office with a very "rushed" face. Just got a in-charge job in which I had to look after 14 companies and 10 junior staff!

Bad luck!

... vellerina danced at 10:09 PM ...


{Saturday, December 18, 2004}

I love Christmas!! Its a time when everyone is in a mood to party.

Just came home from the company's christmas party! Held at Thumper @ Goodwood Park Hotel. Its was GREAT fun. Some of them like XiaoYang got drunk! I got to send her home. The usual street-blur me had a difficult time trying to search for her house while she slept on the cab.

The more I worked, the more I must party to de-stress. It has become part of my unhealthy lifestyle.

But luckily for me, I still have ballet... :)

... vellerina danced at 1:44 AM ...

Swan Lake

{Wednesday, December 15, 2004}

Throughout my life I made a lot of encounters with Swan Lake.

Its the first ballet VCD that I bought
Its the first ballet music that I can remember
Its the first classical ballet that I performed
Its the first ballet that I watched in an overseas theatre
Its the first ballet I thought of staging my girls in
Its the first ballet that I saw the 32 fouette turns
Its the first ballet that I'm going to see the Royal Ballet dancing live in front of my eyes.

Most importantly, its my favourite ballet.

I love Swan Lake. :)

... vellerina danced at 10:22 PM ...


{Monday, December 13, 2004}

We are confirming the concert venue FINALLY. I really couldn't stand it when people are so inefficient! I think being an auditor has really paced me up! I expected things to be done instantly without any unnecessary delays.

Now I can set my mind at ease and start my rehearsals.

... vellerina danced at 8:51 PM ...

Hai Ying...

{Sunday, December 12, 2004}

Hai Ying is so so so beautiful as Aurora! From her amazing rose adagio to her romantic pas de deux to her multiple fish dives. I was so impressed. I was looking at her only thoughout the whole ballet (unless when she is not on stage). I was actually moved to tears while she was dancing her romantic pas de deux. She has grown so much since her apprentice days in SDT.

This shows that as long as you work really hard, you will succeed.

... vellerina danced at 10:09 PM ...

RAD Intermediate

{Saturday, December 11, 2004}

I'm accepted into the class!

I'm so happy as the school is SO near my house. I'm feeling so fortunate. The gals were very friendly as well. Some of them came up to me to ask for my name etc. All this little actions make me less nervous.

Allegro part of the class was horrible! I think I haven't done proper allegro for ages. Need to work real hard.

She said my work was pretty good. So she's putting me into the inter class planning to take exam next Sept. The thought of taking RAD exams are quite scary. :x

... vellerina danced at 5:06 PM ...

A new pair of shoes

{Thursday, December 09, 2004}

I worked twice as efficient as yesterday!

Proving of foreign exchange differences is a challenge! I think the client is a "genius". He has a weird way of calculating. Don't understand his workings.

As I open my package, I smell a familiar smell - a smell of a new pair of Grishko. :) The ribbons are nice too - thicker than usual. Looks good with the Grishko.

I'm still doing my courrus as I'm typing... :P

... vellerina danced at 9:48 PM ...

Our fate is sealed (hopefully)

{Wednesday, December 08, 2004}

I turned into a pig in office today. Snacked non-stop. I ate a lot of stuff from chocolates to kuah lapis!

Didn't work doubly hard today as promised yesterday rather I worked one third harder than yesterday. I have a habit of expressing stuff in fractions somehow.

Our fate was decided by an $1 australian coin. Queen Victoria = Sept 05 and Kangaroos = Jun 05. I heaved a sign of relief when Jo said it was "Queen Victoria".

The day ended with me trying to decided what adjusting journal entry to pass cuz the client did not do a proper allocation of their rental expenses. In case you are wondering, I still don't know the answer!

My new Grishko fouette arrived in the form of a registered post letter. I don't have to wear that freakish looking blue shoe to class on sat. :)

... vellerina danced at 9:00 PM ...

Getting there...

{Tuesday, December 07, 2004}

At last, our plan is going somewhere. I hate it when people drag and drag this simple process. All it takes is a few calls and a bit of coordination.

Tomorrow I got to work doubly hard to make up for the lost of time today.

Well.. but at least we are getting somewhere. :)

... vellerina danced at 10:04 PM ...

I'm a develope!!!

You are the Develope!!!

What type of ballet move are you? with pics

Try this quiz! hahaha. Although my develope is damn ugly but I'm still a develope. Well well....

... vellerina danced at 10:25 AM ...


{Monday, December 06, 2004}

I was wrong about no one encouraging me.

I receive 2 big encouragements from 2 small little sisters.

They are so much younger than me. But I am really touched by their words.

We became closer when we are parting. Ironic isn't it?

... vellerina danced at 11:16 PM ...

A new beginning

{Sunday, December 05, 2004}

It's finally over.

I had a tough time. I guess everyone would think they had a tougher time. For me, it wasn't really fun having to juggle work, exam, rehearsals and performance. Everyone was having holidays while I had to leave a huge pile of undone work on my desk. I can't picture how my desk will look like tomorrow.

She asked me how did my girls score on Saturday before class. I proudly told her the results. She didn't seem happy for me at all and then went on to boast about how well her girls did. Yes, no doubt her girls scored very well. But I just wished she had been more encouraging.

I was a little hurt. Nobody cares. Sometimes, it feels like a silly competition on whose girls are better. Why must teachers compete against each other? I never wanted to compare my girls with anyone. In my eyes, they are the best. I know they may not really be the best, but if they work hard, they will be.... one day.

On a better note, I went to class very enthusiatically today. Today's class already felt like 2005. I cannot wait to start my rehearsals.

... vellerina danced at 9:16 PM ...


{Friday, December 03, 2004}

We finished Tango with much praise today! :)

I thought I have decided to leave that place. A strange feeling came over me when everyone hugged together after Tango. For once, I felt so close to everyone. I was almost moved to tears. Never in my life, I had such a strong feeling after a performance. I had grown to love the people (from the teachers to classmates to even the backstage crew).

I can't decide whether to stay or go now. I really can't.

... vellerina danced at 11:59 PM ...

Honours Honours Honours Honours Honours plus...

{Thursday, December 02, 2004}

As I opened the white envelope on a cab, my hands were trembling.

I strained my eyes.

My mouth widen as I flip through the papers.

At that moment, I felt really proud of my girls.

... vellerina danced at 11:59 PM ...

Lack of discipline

{Wednesday, December 01, 2004}

I witness for the first time how serious can lack of discipline be...
It will lead to serious injuries not only to yourself but your whole team. What are we going to do? This is really bad. I hope she really learns this time.

No matter how hard I try, we can never be as good as the other team. Why? Why? Why? Do we lack discipline as well? or do we lack chemistry? Or rather we will never improve because some people are just over-confident whereas others are just not into it yet.

I donno....

but the audience will give me an answer on Friday.

... vellerina danced at 11:59 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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** My Story **

November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
February 2006
May 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008

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