My Life - Ballet

Wonderful Saturday! So-so Sunday....

{Sunday, January 30, 2005}

Saturday was great! Had good classes at Loyang Point. Can you believe it? The entire class is joining the concert! *grins*

Ms Ong is quite cute, I think she is strict on the outside but very very nice on the inside. She will be on the surface very strict but then she will Armm Qiou (secretly laugh - donno how to spell the hokkien version lah!) at your mistakes. She has very good ways of explaining things. I like her!

Had a homecooked swiss-italian-european dinner at the courtesy of Claudia. VERY NICE!! hahahha. Treated her to drinks at City Space after dinner at her house. She was pretty impressed with the bar, i think. Claudia knows French, German, Swiss-German, Italian, Spanish! WOW WOW. Asked her for the correct pronouniation of devant, derriere, de cote and alot of other ballet terms. She pronounced them so nicely! I cannot never say like how she says it! Chatted till 12:40pm. Unbelievable!

Sunday started with us going down to the CDC at Ubi to register for driving. After registering, I got into a cab to go down to JE. The moment I got onto the cab, WE (me and sista) were "cursed" by the taxi driver. He sort of implied we won't pass the driving test cuz traffic at Ubi is so heavy. Yah, we know its heavy, but can you not curse us like that? You know, its like you are so excited to take your first lesson but before you can take it, you get discouraged by such insenstitive people. HAIZ... what to do.

The new Bebe ballet class at Jurong East is TERRIBLE. Gosh, they are already into one month into their lessons and they are going NO WHERE! I'm usually quite patient, but I'm kind of LOSING it. GOSH. Its really terrible. MOST hated class on my list!

Okie, I did ALOT of administration stuff today! Photocopying letters to parents and stapling them during the breaks to printing out Cast List and rehearsal schedules. I really felt that I'm so school teacher-ish today.

Collected a total of 49 forms. Exceeded school's intended target if 47 by 2. Hee hee. Still thinking whether to put the 2pm class in JE in. Hmmm...maybe not lah. Don't know yet.

... vellerina danced at 7:37 PM ...

Measure of success

{Thursday, January 27, 2005}

I really feel good about myself nowadays. :)

Before I graduated from university, I always have to ask my parents for pocket money. Now, I think I'm financially independent. I can live comfortably and buy things that I want to buy. I can give money to Mummy and a extra red packet for Chinese New Year. Now I even dream of owning a car!

2 years ago, I would never think I will be able to teach ballet. Now, I'm teaching abt 8 classes in 2 centres with 80+ students (although all very young) and earning extra bucks to spend.

When I first got into the firm, I'm clueless about what audit is. I listen and follow closely to what my seniors tell me to do without much questions. Now, I'm a senior and I give instructions to juniors who seemed to be as blur as me when I first joined.

4 years ago, I just stepped into so called adulthood by turning 21. It was not signficant to me then as I was still a student. This year, I'm turning 25, coming out of a little girl's shell to become a woman. A woman with a set of goals that she wants to achieve before she turns 28.

Its really amazing to see how much I have grown these 2 years. I do not know whether these are indicators of success, as different people measure success differently. BUT I'm still proud of myself. :)

... vellerina danced at 11:16 PM ...

Driving lessons

{Wednesday, January 26, 2005}

I'm going to register for driving lessons with my darling sista on Sunday. hahahaha Its cool. TO be able to drive and the thought of owning a car makes me feel SO adult! I can't wait to learn how to drive and get a car! Must SAVE SAVE SAVE....

I can visualise that I will drive to work (sometimes), drive to Jurong East, drive to Loyang, to orchard to bugis to everywhere. I can also drive mummy to the supermarket to stock up on groceries.

And you must think that this is a sudden thought right? No no. I have been thinking abt this since I started to work. Since I started to teach ballet, I have been travelling around Singapore from east to west. Taking cab is pretty expensive, I thought I might as well have a car for convenience sake!

Wish me luck. I'll pass on first attempt! I hope... MJ is going to be my driving guru.

... vellerina danced at 10:29 PM ...

Wonderful Weekend

{Sunday, January 23, 2005}

This weedend is quite fun! Less balletic weekend as I didn't attend any ballet lesson. hee

Saturday was great. Suddenly Loyang Point kids are becoming better and better! hahhaahah. Very strange but good lah.

Went to watch "Shall We Dance?". Very nice movie! watched till moved to tears as usual when I watch dance movies. The waltz that Jennifer Lopez did to Moonriver was SO beautiful and touching. See the expression in her eyes when she was dancing it. Its like she is SUPER SAD and has lost passion for dancing BUT can still dance so beautifully.

Sunday was okie. I got back quite alot of consent forms. I don't know whether the parents did read CAREFULLY the terms and conditions before signing. They all just happily sign and gave it back. Got a few say that they don't want due to all kinds of reasons (too lazy to elaborate).
Recently, I realised that Louisa is kind of naughty in class. She keeps spinning and spinning non-stop, making me SUPER dizzy! AND, I donno whether she is interested in performing or not leh. Next week I must remember to talk to the mummy. But its okie, I have other understudy girls (in case Louisa cannot) in mind already. Of course, if Louisa can do it, its the best lah. Or maybe I'm too sensitive. donno.

... vellerina danced at 11:09 PM ...

Excursion with a Swiss friend

{Saturday, January 22, 2005}

WOW..... today I stepped into BOTH the zoo and the night safari! It was real fun! didn't know it was going to be so fun! hahaha

First we met up with my swiss friend in Chinatown MRT station. Me and sista was like spying on every angmoh that we see to make sure we didn't get the wrong person! hahahah since it was super crowded, took a while before we spotted each other. Greeted each other with 2 pecks on the cheek, the usual angmoh way of greeting.

Ate at Yum Cha restuarant. SUPER crowded as well.

Hopped onto a taxi, zoo was pretty fun! I we missed the children's world where we could see cows, ponies, and stuff. hahaha.

Night Safari was the best part of the night! We went through their walking trails, Flying CAt Trail, Leopard Trail and Giant forest trail.

Flying Cat Trail was cool! We saw flying cats (obviously), ottah (VERY cute but smelly) and lots of other cat species of the world. Then we come to this part called a Mangrove Walk where you step into this enclosure where there are flying bats all around you. Pretty scary at first. Me and Sista were like walking with SUPER cautious steps cuz its very dark and we can't really see properly. We walked past a BIG FRUIT BAT without seeing it! And it was like less than 30cm away, so you can imagine how dark is it! Hahahah. We only knew when Claudia said we actually past a BIG one!

Leopard trail was exciting! We saw lots of species of leopards, tigers, lions. Luckily they were in glass enclosures! hahahhhaa. OH then we came to this Flying Squirrel enclosure. Its really amazing cuz they look like normal squirrels when they are on the trees but then they can stretch open their arms and legs (like when we are doing star jumps). So when they stretch open their arms and legs, they become like a square and they can actually glide in the air!!! VERY VERY COOL.

Giant Forest Trail was nothing much actually except for this 34m long suspension bridge for us to see the tropical rainforest. The bridge is like shaking mildly, but as you know, I'm like afraid of heights! I was like thinking will the bridge suddenly over turn! hahaha.

After all the trails we went for the creatures of the night show. It was GREAT! They had this really cute Ottahs. The presenter poured onto the ground some cans, paper cups and plastic bottles. Then, they had 3 ottahs (they were very small creatures) to come out to throw the cans, paper cups and plastic bottles into small recycling bins. So they actually knew which type of rubbish goes to where! They were having so much fun, they throw in a can then took them out again! hahah so funnie. Highlight was that they actually hide a PHYTHON in the audience seat! my gosh! LUCKILY WE WERE NOT SITTING THERE!!

Lastly, we went for a 45 min tram ride to take a closer look at the wild animals. The ride was good and very educational! Learnt lots and lots about the animals.

VERY FUN "excursion" today!

Me and Claudia

Dar, Me and Claudia

Elephant Show

... vellerina danced at 1:31 AM ...

RAD Advance II

{Tuesday, January 18, 2005}

RAD advance II syllabus is so beautiful!! Oh my god... Its so dancy + technical. So much nicer than CSTD boring technical stuff. Today Ms Ong didn't come for class, so I just practise together with the girls. The port de bra is so nice, even the center tendu exercise is so fanciful with so many changes of direction. The advance II girls were SO GOOD! Only 3 of them, they did ALL sorts of turns you can imagine. WOW... just like SBA girls. VERY VERY nice. (the rest of us just watched them) Plus their balances were so good! In the center also can balance on demi-pointe on one foot. Thought HipHop Ballerina's balances were quite good already but they were so much better (no offence HH ballerina! It just shows how "SUA GU" I am)

I'm going to join this class (mixture of advance I and advance II gals) still even though I'm so lousy since the timing can fit me. Its quite an eye opener for me lah. I've never seen any students dance like that. They looked so pro even though they were just like marking the exercises (since Ms Ong is not around! hahah) I think last time Jo's is advance I is it? Donno lah, don't remember doing all this exercises.

Surprisingly, I actually DON'T feel demoralised after class. I just felt amazed! *super strange*

... vellerina danced at 9:21 PM ...

Places to go!

{Monday, January 17, 2005}

Wah my friend has been to Chinatown, Little India, Orchard Rd, Botanical Gardens and Horseracing! Where else to bring her huh? thinking of my most frequented place in Singapore - Esplanade. No performances now hor.. if not can bring her there.

Brainstormed a few places:-
1) Ya Kun Kaya Toast
2) East Coast (Sea food)
3) Esplanade
4) Shopping at City Hall
5) Tampines Mall
6) My House???!!!
7) Fort Canning
8) Sentosa
9) Zoo / Night Safari
10) Temples at waterloo street

Running out of ideas? Contributions anyone?

... vellerina danced at 10:26 PM ...

Weekend thoughts

{Friday, January 14, 2005}

Its finally FRIDAY... had a real workaholic week! I'm SO SO SO excited about the weekend. I love to see the kids again!

Morning -> Teach at loyang point.
- Can't wait to see the new bebe ballet class again. They are so poor thing you know, they have danced for abt 2 months already and they are still bare-footed and no leotard. Poor things...
- Pre primary class will be the usual lor. Do RAD pre-primary. I secretly asked my painist to help me zap the RAD pre-primary to grade 2 score. hahahah

Afternoon -> Attend Ms Ong's class
- Also can't wait to attend the class! I would like to have more classes BUT no choice now busy period. I hope next tuesday I will be able to make it. Haven't paid for the term yet... CC computer system DOWN! hahah so funnie.

Evening -> Go for Gong Gong's birthday party!
- Will be meeting all my cousins, including those that I haven't seen for a long time! Yeah! Exciting. Going to find out how old is my gong gong.... so paisei. forgot his age

Morning/Afternoon -> Teach at Jurong East
Now I have 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 FIVE classes! Very soon I will hit my 100 students mark. Yippie. I wonder who is the lucky 100th student. hahahah but no prize lah. I got bebe first, then pre primary, then primary then bebe then pre primary then adults. OH YAH. I've got one new student in adult ballet. A grade seven gal. Will be doing pointe work with her.

Evening -> Collect uniform from CS
Yeh... my first batch of uniforms. They are lilac with polka dots on it. Its quite a refreshing change from the usual pointe shoe prints lah!

Night -> LONG awaiting meeting with J, T and Hip Hop Ballerina
Wow wow.. The plan is to finalised the enchanted forest music man! I have downloaded hundreds of classical and piano music tracks from my colleague. Yet to listen to them! hahahah
Look forward to the meeting!

As you can see, I will be FULLY occupied for the entire weekend. So nice! LOVE the weekend.

... vellerina danced at 8:55 PM ...


{Wednesday, January 12, 2005}

Today I was involved in a minor accident! My cab driver banged slightly into our cab! From my view, I couldn't see any dent or crack leh. Its quite funnie lah, they both got down and started to negotiate.... but I was half an hour late for work though.

I think I really need to start to choreograph my dances.. Feb is approaching. a little anxious now! Haven't even settled the music!

I got a new "admirer" and its a gal! She keeps telling me how beautiful I look and how nice are my features. She even says she misses me when I'm away for a while talking to the client. Felt a little strange cuz I'm not that beautiful lah.

Worked till about 9pm everyday. MISSED tuesday ballet! angryz...

... vellerina danced at 10:42 PM ...

Result of lousy service

{Sunday, January 09, 2005}

Well... I was informed that we (JE) are boycotting S cuz they perpetually don't have shoes, uniform also take ages to make. So today I had to be a "fitter" to take measurements for the girls and make a trip down to CS myself. To my pleasant surprise, I was given discounts and was allowed to settle the bill with them only after I collect the money from the parents. They really know how to do business, don't they?
I calculated that it adds up to a substantial amount of money earned for each gal. Now I know why the other teacher takes the orders herself!
Today's new bebe class is boring! but the parents are super enthusiatic! Haiz... another sign of kiasu-ness. well well....

... vellerina danced at 7:14 PM ...

New Saturday Term

{Saturday, January 08, 2005}

This morning began on quite a good note! Most of the girls still stayed on with me despite all the unhappiness abt the combine classes. The girls were well behaved and was doing well despite a 2 week break.

New bebe was okie as well. One parent who sat-in the class commented that I handle kids very well and asked me whether I have taught for a long time. *very accomplished* Enrolment in the bebe class is also picking up. Good start for the saturday term.

My own ballet class was better too. I got used to her style although allegro was still lousy. Beats was WORSE. Couldn't do the jete battu, assemble battu... basically ALL the battus lah!

Attending one more regular class on Tuesday evening with the advance 1 gals. I think I cannot make it but still go for the practice lah as advised by Ms Ong. Plus its at 8pm, good timing for me also.

Now going out for Vee vee's farewell dinner at suntec.... Talk to you tomorrow!

... vellerina danced at 5:00 PM ...

Peak Season

Officially in the buusssy period now.

Worked till abt 1am on Thursday.

See how my schedule is like for Jan - Mar. FULLY BOOKED like victoria theatre

... vellerina danced at 1:00 AM ...

Even more strange dreams

{Wednesday, January 05, 2005}

After the series of weird dreams on monday night, I dreamt yesterday I was bitten by this very very poisonous spider. Initially, I ignored till it become very swollen and I felt very faint. Went to a chinese doctor, where he was squeezing the wound with a tool that was used to squeeze pimples. Then the scene switched to MJ. He was bitten by the spider too. Donno what happened to him cuz I woke up after he was bitten.

Today at work was another normal day. Left the place with nice seaview. Got this nice looking professional folder from the firm. Its those black leatherish kind where you used for meetings. Very pleased with it. Also extra pleased with the fact that I chatted with Lipei for almost 2 hours during office hours. :p

Got a new supply of contact lenses today. It came with a free goodie bag with a $15 SINS chocolate voucher inside it. Guess what! That voucher only got me 8 pieces of chocolate. Freaking expensive.

Day ended with eating Char Siew noodles that Mama prepared.

... vellerina danced at 8:53 PM ...

Strange Dreams

{Tuesday, January 04, 2005}

Work today was pretty good. Still enjoying the beautiful sea view! :) If Keppel Corp got a job offering, I will sure join them! Tomorrow will be the last day of the good treatment. Well, all things will come to an end.

Received an email from Jo saying that they are cutting our rehearsal timing. GOSH! How can they? Don't they realised that they are all little kids (some more first performance) who needs more time to get used to the stage and spacing? My goodness, we are already like free labour (by choreographing, putting in extra time for free). They are getting all the money and are still so stingy. This is not really acceptable to me. But then if the gals are okie with it, then there's nothing I can say also.

Yesterday night was quite strange, I dreamed quite a bit (as in really dreaming, not day dreaming)
- I dreamt that I was taking my driving exam!
- I dreamt that Lousia was doing pirouettes!
- I dreamt that I was married in Ritz Carlton to a SUPER handsome ang moh guy! and my wedding gown resembles a Giselle tutu.
- Also dreamt abt work stuff.

Its super strange not connected kind of dream, one moment Lousia was doing pirouettes, one moment I was married then the next I was taking driving exams!

... vellerina danced at 10:18 PM ...

Wet Winter

{Sunday, January 02, 2005}

Wow.. Today feels like winter in Sydney. Gosh, I was covered from top to toe - in long sleeves and all, and I STILL felt so damn cold! I mean the weather IS nice, but its a rather gloomy way to start Sunday classes for 2005.

Attendance was poor, which I attributed highly to the rain.
The girls were kind of naughty today, which I also attributed to the rain! (haha)

I'm officially stepping into the peak season tomorrow!

Hope I can meet up with the gals to finalise the music for enchanted forest real soon...

... vellerina danced at 10:26 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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