My Life - Ballet

Weekend meetings

{Monday, February 28, 2005}

Went for Loyang ballet as usual. Started to panic as I haven't thought of ANYTHING for the loyang girls yet! How how??
Ballet was special todae. Class was thought by a famous teacher, Ms Margi. She teaches the Vanganova Technique (Russian). Pretty impressed with the beautiful arms and upper body style. Think Mdm Goh could be Vanganova-trained as well. Since she emphasized so much on the arms and upper body and centre.
Met with HHB for our belated valentine's day dinner. Had Jap food. But best of all, we had a good talk. So long haven't talked to her liao. Nowadays we don't get to talk so much as we are no longer dancing together....
I wish her all the best with her crush!! ;)
Talked to dear till past 12 midnight.

1015 ballet class was horrible as usual. Yucks!
The rest of the class was okie, usual lor. They want to start someone classes AGAIN! I want them not to start anymore classes till 2006! busy busy.
Meet up with Ah Jean after teaching. Had another good talk (2nd one for the week) with her. She gave me a degas calendar! Its very nice. hahahha so sweet of her! Now I got 3 ballet calanders! Told her abt my latest updates. I made her guess who's the guy! hahahaha, she guessed everyone (she even named some names that I don't even know!) but Sam. She's so funny one, she said eliminated Sam right from the start as he was not in Singapore.
Talk to dear again till past 12 midnight.


... vellerina danced at 5:57 PM ...

Lady Luck

{Friday, February 25, 2005}

This is one of the moments in my life that I'm daydreaming... Dreaming about how lucky I am. Well its like peak period for all of us now. But I'm actually at this client's where workload is not too much and in fact both of us are rather free. You know its like people are working so hard, slogging and working late every night. For me I go home at around 6.30pm everyday. Reach home about 730pm by cab. Bath, eat dinner, then catch the 9pm show. After that talk to S. Its really a nice and not so stressed life. Gosh. really nice. I like that!

I hope my luck continues with me later cuz I'm going to take the basic theory test. Oh my, I took the trial test yesterday, the questions are not easy you know! Now they change the whole system and added lots of general knowledge questions. Best of luck to me and sister! :D

I'm hungry now... I want my lunch!

... vellerina danced at 12:09 PM ...

What is the feeling like....

{Thursday, February 24, 2005}

It's really been a long time since I feel really loved by someone or started to love someone. It's really sweet to have someone call you "Dear" and to receive calls/texts from him everyday to hear about his updates of the day. You know that there's somebody you can talk to when you are troubled and that you can tell him everything, although he's physically miles away.
Its really amazing how fast things has progressed. He's suddenly part of my life. Well, I guess when you meet that special person, even 1 day is sufficient. Am I right?
He made me realised that all the previous guys that appeared in my life recently are so called crushes (or even flings, i donno) and not love. HHB has also pointed this out to me.
With him, my life feels so complete. I have my family, my ballet, HHB and him!
Only till now, I realised that WORDS can be impt in a relationship (I used to believe actions are more impt than words), especially for a relationship like ours.

... vellerina danced at 5:46 PM ...

In love...

{Tuesday, February 22, 2005}

We are kind of together now.

... vellerina danced at 9:44 PM ...

Sweet Saturday

{Saturday, February 19, 2005}

Met up with the girls yesterday! We updated each other about us. Jas is getting married. She told us exactly how her husband to be proposed! Vee Vee will be flying to Paris on Mar 7th! AND Taliban will be working in New York! On my gosh... everyone is like having such an exciting life! Went to Long Bar (raffles hotel). That place is full of ang mohs! Slept at 2am yesterday.

Woke up feeling rather sleepy today. Went for classes at Loyang. Got a rose from one of the students. So sweet... I love to get flowers unexpectedly! Like everyday is Teachers' Day!

Got a call from him at around 230pm (130am his time) while walking along Bugis. He's like calling me before he sleeps *sweet*. I love this kind of unexpected calls too!

Bought a VCD and a DVD as recommended by him. Finished the VCD. (HipHopBallerina: There's abt 1% dancing inside the show! Lend to you on sat!)

Lazing around at home now...

... vellerina danced at 8:46 PM ...


{Thursday, February 17, 2005}

We knew each other about 2 years ago.

I was impressed with his singing skills then.

He is very confident about himself.

He went to Canada about a year ago.

We lost contact for a while.

Recently, we started to chat via MSN again.

We chatted for 2 hours on Sunday on the phone.

We text each other like dozens of times a day updating each other on our day went.

We chatted for another 2 hours on Tuesday evening. He called me the moment he woke up. (We have about 13 hours time difference)

He called me this afternoon to tell me that he can't sleep.

I asked him why.

He said it was due to passion.

I was kind of stunned. BUT I don't really understand what that meant.

... vellerina danced at 6:45 PM ...

Weekend updates

{Sunday, February 13, 2005}

Went for Ms Ong's class. I have been missing quite a bit of classes cuz I was sick :( Ms Ong asked me why have I been missing classes? *opps* I really find Ms Ong a very sincere teacher. She is really nice to her students although she has a stern face. (like Mdm Goh! I like her also) I got an orange from her for chinese new year! hahahah so cute! Makes me feel like a primary school girl.
After ballet and shower, went over to Ade's house for steamboat! Really nice food they prepared. They are relly good. I'm so ashamed of myself. Can't cook a proper meal! Played with Ade's doggie. Her name is suki! She so CUTE!! love her.
Played mahjong till like 3am! lost a bit of money! hahahahah

Well, since I slept like around 4am last night. I couldn't wake up in time for theory lessons today. So we missed lesson 1 of the 4 lessons. Reached the school at around 1030. Stayed there till about 4pm. Exhausted but the instructors were very interesting! On our way home, me and sis were like looking at all the road signs and applying what we had learnt. So fun! hahah

Just had a long 2 hour phone chat with a friend from Montreal. Long time since I chatted for so long on the phone!

Weekend zoomed past so fast! Tomorrow I'm starting work on a new client in Tuas.

... vellerina danced at 9:26 PM ...

My life

{Friday, February 11, 2005}

A friend just asked me this today "Which stage of your life do you enjoy most?"

Without second thoughts, I answered "NOW!" HipHopBallerina said that we have moved on to another stage of our lives. I totally agree. Daddy and Mummy are getting old. They are not as strong as before. I have to provide and care for them!

Anyway, I still like the life I live now! Its really fulfilling. LOVE IT.

... vellerina danced at 11:23 PM ...

Chicken year

{Thursday, February 10, 2005}

Updates since by toady cough... I still have a little toad-ish cough though

CNY eve:
Had a steamboat dinner. Mum and I was sick so we all ate at 530! hahaha that's super early lor. Later in the night, I ate 2 apples then had a second round of steamboat. The soup was tasty! Was super impressed with the Shen Yang troupe's performance on the TV. Wanted to go and watch them at expo.

CNY (1st day): Coughs coughs...
Went visting as usual. Surprisingly, our Da Bo Mu's bee hoon is less rubbery!! hahahh and her vegetables and soup was good! Got many red packets.
Went to gong gong's house next. *coughs coughs* drank 2 cans of coke! and started to eat some goodies... Don't care lah! :P
In the evening, we went to my godfather's house (the professional painter). We were treated to a professional magic show! There is this trick that she burns a small hole in a tissue paper and stuff it into her hand. Then with a wave, the tissue paper is intact! *amazed* As you know, he's an artist, so he has many interesting friends. This magician is a friend's wife and she is 1.83m tall (from China)! Only daddy can fight with her! She also plays basketball and golf. Very interesting person. We stayed there will about 1am!

CNY (2nd day): Coughs...
woked up at 12 noon after yesterday. Wanted to watch the shen yang acrobatics troupe at 4pm but then no good tickets liao. Well, have to give it miss... Think some family friends are coming later. Actually its a good time to do my choreography, but I very lazy!

Have fun for the remaining days of CNY... :)

... vellerina danced at 2:42 PM ...

Coughing like a toad....

{Sunday, February 06, 2005}

I have been coughing and coughing and a toad

Today I just pulled a chair to the barre and sat on the chair refusing to move at all throughout all the classes. Kept the door open and kept telling the girls I'm sick and tell them not to come near me. Luckily class went well today, considering I didn't move a inch off the chair.

Waltz rehearsal was okie because they already knew the dance. Want to quickly refresh their memory and polish up. Progress okie.

Dancing queen was good! The girls were crazy over the music, they love it! Progress was slow however, cuz the girls were kind of blockwood. Don't know how to shake! The parents were saying that I can shake better than them. Basically, the girls that were good in ballet didn't do as well as those who were not so good in ballet. *as expected*

Got some more oranges today. Why did they all give me oranges? I can't eat leh! Red packet is better! Haiz... poor me.

Just gulp down some brownish-black liquid. Tasted yucky. Mummy is falling sick too. :( What stupid virus have I brought home?

... vellerina danced at 9:58 PM ...


{Saturday, February 05, 2005}

Have been sick the whole week. Gosh... I'm now on a very strong antibiotic which prevents me from eating eggs, milk and beans. I'm feeling kind of weak and frail. Poor me... *sob sob*

The loyang point studio is very very cold today. SIAO... made me cough and cough.

Today I got a a red packet from a student's mum and a BOX of oranges from my ex- tuition student. Loyang point parents are indeed very rich, the amount of money is more than what some of my relatives will give me.

Hope I will get well soon.

... vellerina danced at 8:52 PM ...

Dreamy me....

{Tuesday, February 01, 2005}

Fell sick yesterday. Went to a doctor, he gave me a whole bagful of medicine and an MC for today. Had been sleeping like a log since morning. Now I feel much better and more refreshed. But I'm very stressed at the fact that I only have 3 more days to complete the audit of my company :/

Watched quite a fair bit of TV. Suddenly realised that resting/lazing around on a weekday afternoon is so fun! They have all sorts of programs showing. hahaha.

Then, I realised that Claudia's (my penpal) colleague is Pheng Huat! He is my JC classmate! hahahaha. Its so super co-incidental! HipHopBallerina, do you remember him? hee hee He is our class rep. We are planning to organise a BBQ at east coast! hahaha so fun.

Rehearsals for my waltz item and dancing queen item are starting this sunday! I had choreographed the dancing queen item so long ago that I realised that I have forgotten the choreography. See the usual act smart me lah! Never write down the steps. Serve me right!

... vellerina danced at 4:22 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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