My Life - Ballet

Driving week

{Wednesday, March 30, 2005}

Phew.... one whole week packed with driving lessons! hahahha One last lesson to go for the week! So far I have learned driving straight, turning (gradual bend, sharp bend, right turn, left turn), braking, changing lane, anticipating traffic light changes. Quite fun! TOday I drove from Ubi to Tampines! got past my house leh! hahahaha
On the way back to the driving centre, I suddenly never concentrate, I see the driver in front of me turn into the car park, I also turn into the carpark! hahahahah silly me.
Tmr must book lessons when the clock strikes 12!!!

Wish me luck!

... vellerina danced at 10:18 PM ...

Missing me?

{Sunday, March 27, 2005}

Hello.... Its been a long long time. Hahaha :) Updating you day by day....

Monday (21st):
Seen him in first time after so many months. Doing the same job as him lor. Nothing special anymore, in fact I feel that he's so so so not confident of himself still. He doesn't really look at people in the eyes when he talks to you one leh. Always look left, right or down (basically anywhere) except into your eyes. I'm damn fed up with a particular manager in the firm. He is SO irritating, naggy and is a MANY-HEADED snake.

Tuesday (22nd):
Nothing special at work. I'm quite slack now since I've been talking to S. You know, its the time difference thingy. You usually miss him at night one mah. But then its early in the morning over there. So sometimes I don't know whether to wake him up or not. So we usually ended up chatting twice a day, once at his night time (my afternoon) & once at my night time (his morning). So you can see that he sleeps really late!
TODAY is our first month anniversay. hahahaha. He didn't remember it, but I wasn't angry at all. Its kind of surprising! I think I have grown up. I don't fuss over such things anymore.

Wednesday (23rd):
He was feeling down, so had to spend time talking to him lor. As you might realised (I realised it too), my life now has changed quite alot. It kind of revolves around him. Everyday I look forward to knocking off. After I knock off, I don't go anywhere else one leh, I go home to wait for his call or to call him. My god...

Thursday (24th):
After I knock off, I went shopping! Bought lots of lingerie and facial stuff. Damn happy. Feels good wearing pretty lingerie too. HAHAAHAH! I feel like throwing away all my grandma undies.

Friday (25th):
GOOD FRIDAY! Slept till 12 noon! Dear looking for me, cuz he misses me but I'm sleeping like a pig!! So funny. Talked to him for a while before we went to sengkang to visit my uncle. He got cancer... *sad*. Then bought even more lingerie in compass point. Got handphones for sista and mama. Feels really really good!
On the other hand, I'm getting more and more tired of audit. So sian, workload gettign heavier.

Saturday (26th):
Still no inspiration on what to do for the LY point gals. Haiz.... They are quite boring one leh at times.... :(
Went PS after class. Saw my godfather (the painter) & his wife. His wife has a small shop space at B2 of PS selling jewellery. She gave me this really complicated but sweet looking bracelet! Really nice.
Thought about my godfather and his wife, both very artistic and their 3 kids are all very artistic too. IS it why I'm so attracted to S? Hee hee... my god, I told my godfather abt S and that he is doing 3D animation. He seems pleased. :) ANyhow, I want my daughter to be artistic too! So nice. A world class ballerina. I need to check whether S is turned-out. IF both of us are turned-in, then my daughter cannot be a ballerina!

Sunday (27th):
I tell you, I really enjoy teaching JE gals. They are always so cheerful. They tend very very naughty at times but they also listen and are so much smarter. Today, I showed them Les Sylphides. They were SUPER inspired and they danced so much better after that!
My 2pm bebe class is SO SO SO well-behaved. Today I asked them to line up in one straight line and to do tippy toes running from one end of the room to another one by one. So naturally I look at the the gals who are starting to run instead of those that have finished. To my surprise, when I turn my head to look at those that have finished running, they were all seated quietly (in a straight line some more)., crossed leg and watching their friends who are still running. OH MY GOD.... Even the pianist was amazed!
Then I showed Louisa's class our spring wind dance! (HHB don't scream at me for doing that!) hahahaha They loved it!! They say its a BEAUTIFUL dance and Ms Lovell is so pretty! hahahaha ***floating**** They can recognise me!!! They so young only 5 years old. Quite good leh to be able to recongise me! OH OH... got one silly gal keep insisting that Lipei is me! hahaha donno why! DO we look alike?

... vellerina danced at 8:47 PM ...

Bubbly me

{Sunday, March 20, 2005}

Taliban has left for New York. Its so fast! Suddenly, she gone and went be around for a long time. Sob Sob....

Went to the dentist and Dr Lee fixed some internal retainer for me on the lower teeth. The tongue feels so strange... Will take out the braces hopefully by May! YEH YEH YEH.... :)

Met up with Claudia the last time before she leaves for Switerland. We had a great swiss dinner at the swiss club. Very nice and serene place! I like...

Dear called me while I was on the cab to Jurong East to ask me whether he should rent this apartment that he saw. I thought it was quite good cuz its very near downtown and the rent includes heater which is very expensive. He's going to see another one soon..

The moment I stepped into JE minutes later, I got a shock of my life when I was told that there are 2 new classes starting in Apr. OH my gosh... I'm going to teach from 9:30am to 6pm starting april... becoming like JO! :(
1015am bebe (my most hated class) is getting slightly better ... no parents in the room now! FINALLY
All the rest of the classes were the same.

Reached home at abt 6pm today. Quite tired from the shouting.

But then after dinner I was SUPER bubbly... hahahahah had a very funny webcam session with MJ. I even danced ballet for him!!! SUPER funny!

... vellerina danced at 9:58 PM ...

Distance pulls us closer together

{Tuesday, March 15, 2005}

Its really ironic that its the distance that pulls us even more together. You know, whenever I think of him, I really think of him, cuz you know you not going to see him anytime soon. This feeling is always there during the day and triples during the night. I think he finally couldn't bear it any longer, he called like 3 times yesterday to bare his heart out. My god. It was so sweet. Its really nice to hear him say the 3 words FIRST. hahaha, since I was the one who asked him whether he likes me first. Fair right?

When you really love a person, you don't really bother about his career, whether he has money, his background, his bad habits, do you?

I don't know whether I'm being idealist here.

... vellerina danced at 10:07 PM ...


{Sunday, March 06, 2005}

I never knew I had PMS till now! I think it was on wednesday or thursday. I actually didn't talk to him the whole night cuz he didn't reply my sms! hahahah, when you think back, it felt like super stupid lor. And the worse thing is, he guess that I was having PMS! Its rather embarassing.

The girls met up on Friday night at Vee's house for a foursome heart-to-heart chat cum movie cum cocktail session! It was really fun! We talked mostly abt each other developments and boyfriends and started to compare boyfriends! (Of course, deep in out hearts, we all knew that our own boyfriend is the best lah!) Vee made us some cocktails! Its really nice. and its really cool to drink at home!

Saturday was like a sauna day! The CC had NO aircon!! My god... it was terrible. After the class, my own face was flushed (RED)! We learnt the inter-foundation dance. I think it was the same dance that Jo taught us in Crestar Thomson. I think Ms Ong is really a great teacher cuz she teaches in great detail. She makes us do the steps over and over again until everyone is sure of what's going on! The grade 4 gals could handle the dance! My god... they were so nice and NEAT! like in SBA. I was totally embarassed cuz i think they could do it neater than me!
Dear told me that he is sorry for not being able to be with me all the time AGAIN. I told him that he is super long-winded. Everytime must repeat that one leh. Its becoming like his trademark line.

The waltz dance is almost done! I gave Valerie a short solo part - a series of pose temp leve & temp leve with retire. It looked kind of strange. Will have to polish that! Dancing queen is like SUPER duper slow! My god... its going to delay my twinkle twinkle stars! But I really don't want to delay twinkle twinkle stars leh! Haiz.... :( Butterflies are so cute!!! hahahah decided to go for VERY simple chereography and aim for 100% neatness. Ann Ann is damn cute! I love her.
I gave out Summer School forms today. Gave one to Kai Hui and Louisa. They are only in pre-ballet (haven't even take exams) but I'm taking the risk to let them experience the summer school. I hope they sign up! Also, gave out the forms to some of the primary girls. Hope they sign up too! Then I can go watch them dance.

... vellerina danced at 7:04 PM ...

Melting from showers of love

{Thursday, March 03, 2005}

Everything is still sweet now. We've been talking everyday, in fact twice a day! worse than reporting! hahaha
Talk about lots of things. Realised that I'm not the kind of person that plan so far ahead. He's already thinking about like where to settle down, who to look after the kids and what's its like when we grow old. Even marrying is like FAR for me right now. But of course its kind of nice to think about these things. Actually, in fact, I only wish that the feeling will last PASS the honeymoon period. That's good enough for me. I believe we will work on that.

Did I say I receive a DVD from a student? Its a Romeo & Juliet DVD. Its really cool to receive things from students unexpectedly! My students all got character! They like to give things as and when they like. kekekekeke

I'm now on RED alert! very panicky liao. HAven't plan for March 2005 classes and haven't choreograph the butterfly dance for Ann's class. Oh my gosh. I think I talk too much on the phone. I better buck up on my ballet. Tonight when I get home I MUST at least plan the lessons first!

Ubi driving centre sucks man! The people there are so KS! First of all, they only allow people to book their lessons for the next month on the first of every month. (meaning: on 1st Mar, you can book for the whole of April) I logged into the system on 2nd Mar. 2nd Mar leh!! The only empty slots left are 22nd Apr onwards. I was so pissed! Now I will have so much gap in between Mar and Apr lessons! :(

... vellerina danced at 3:10 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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