My Life - Ballet

Boring life

{Saturday, April 30, 2005}

This is one of the days in my life when I feel so bored! Nothing new in life... in other words its like very bland. You know, its like everyday go work, then go back home. Even classes are becoming like overloaded. I keep teaching the same things. You know its like I've got so many pre-ballet classes which are about the same standand and they are all on the same day! Its like an overdosed of pre-ballet girls.
Because life is becoming so boring... I buy lots of things these days to make my life more exciting. I've been addicted to buying accessories, lots and lots of them! My jewellery box is like almost full!

... vellerina danced at 9:09 PM ...


{Sunday, April 24, 2005}

OH my god... I'm incredibly SLOW in my progress.... :( I have only one so called completed dance. But that's because it was originally done and the girls are bigger and learn faster. :(

Only got this picture to show.... haiz

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... vellerina danced at 9:04 PM ...

Very touched....

{Thursday, April 14, 2005}

This note was given to me by my ballet student who has transferred to another teacher. I was very very moved as she came specially on sunday just to give me this note and a gift. I think only HHB can understand how actually I feel when I read this. I feel so accomplished that my students enjoy my classes... :)

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... vellerina danced at 10:15 PM ...

2nd week of april

{Wednesday, April 13, 2005}

Hello everyone!!

Its April now!! Can you believe this? The year has passed by so fast! Audit peak is also over, though I have Mar year end jobs starting soon... Now that I'm more free, I start to wonder how much bonus will I be getting this year. :)

My client is down with MUMPS... I'm very scared that I will ge infected leh! Although I never really talk to her on monday lah! BUt still... dangerous.... donno whether I should go back to the place tomorrow or not?!

Now I'm almost done with the audit, I will miss my IDOL.... haiz... sad

Met Jean for lunch just now! Had a great time. Bought a pair of flower earrings! SO sweet and pretty, can't wait to wear them!

Nothing special happened, everything is kind of dull and flat now... boring.

... vellerina danced at 10:24 PM ...

weekly update

{Friday, April 08, 2005}

Just came back to office from my week long leave. Super duper busy! So many emails to clear, everyone is looking for me. Suddenly I felt so popular! Started audit for new job. Office is beautiful! Its full of rooms. Everyone works in a room. Some rooms got 2-3 persons inside, some got only one person. Its really cool. EVERYBODY there earns more then the combined salary of 3 of us! amazing. I can't disclose the name of client here. :X

Spotted this really beautiful lady in the client's premises. I think she is a consultant! And she sits in the room opposite ours! Really nice to keep seeing her. She is wearing this REALLY nice pearl earrings and matching necklace. Makes her look very korean/japanese! I guess she is about thirty years old. She speaks with a slang, and has a very confident and strong voice! Very successful career woman! MY idol!

My junior overheard the lady saying that she is flying to 2 countries in 2 days and giving a lecture in NUS on friday! I was like "WOW"!!!!! I went to pierce my ears so that I can wear pearl earrings to be like my idol!

Missed that lady! hahahha

Found out her name (cannot disclose for confidentially reasons). She earns close to $20k a month, her bonus for 2004 are over $100k and her allowance is $50k. CAN YOU IMAGINE???? Her one month allowance is my one year pay! and she is only like 35 years old. 10 years older than me. AND she is not like the highest ranking in the firm. DO you think in 10 years time I can earn that sort of money? She is my super idol now! really COOL lady. Now at home don't feel like doing anything.....

Look forward to Saturday's classes.

... vellerina danced at 10:53 PM ...

new sunday classes

{Sunday, April 03, 2005}

Wow wow wow... I applause myself for teaching non-stop from 10:15am to 6pm for the first time in my life! 8 hours of breathing the same studio air...
There were 2 new classes - one pre-ballet and one bebe ballet. Pre-ballet girls were not bad! As usual, there are a lot of students from China. I got a pleasant surprise! Valerie's sister, Vivienne joined the new pre-ballet class! Valerie brought her sister to class (Valerie's class is at 1230pm while her sister's one is at 430pm) and help her wear her shoe and carried her bag... Valerie is such a good girl, can take good care of her sister.
There were so many girls in Bebe ballet, I lost count of how many exactly as the attendance list was not updated. Couldn't remember all the names! My god... so difficult to remember as their names was so strange!

... vellerina danced at 8:36 PM ...

New saturday class

{Saturday, April 02, 2005}

HI! Today has been an extremely lazy saturday...

Class today was okie! I have got quite a good new class. See some potential girls! PHEW... Remember? Half my bebe ballet had uneven leg length?? I was so afraid this class will have the same thing! LUCKILY don't have.
You know that day I was telling HHB that so far I haven't really met really haughty parents? This new class got one! CANNOT stand her you know!!
After class, I lazed around at home, intended to do choreography but ended up nothing! HAIZ... Slept all the way still about 8pm.
Watched Ms Universe. WOW... I liked the Ms Universe winner right from the start! You know why? She has abdominal MUSCLES!!!!!! Very very very toned body. And she speaks with a slang and nice voice! She looks confident! Outstanding. Good choice, judges!!! :)

Looking forward to Sunday new classes!!!

... vellerina danced at 9:44 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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