My Life - Ballet

Strange Thoughts...

{Wednesday, May 25, 2005}

I'm having my 2 weeks leave now! No more work in my head. Everyday see our beloved examiner who changes her mind every now and then?! Rather frustrated at times. Went through boring morning sessions to which everyone says they benefited alot! *stratches head* I couldn't help it but I kept talking to HHB this morning during the session. JO was so smart not to come for this!

You know, I don't like to just teach syllabus and more syllabus. I don't really like to follow the syllabus and teach the kids to do the exercises to perfection. To follow every single count and every single arm placement rigidly without question. I think exams really make people lose their creativity and the idea of expression through body. Everyone is going overboard with the tiney winey details of the syllabus that they become so dead and stiff. I think I finally realise what Mdm Goh meant when she says exams are bad.

I thought dancing is about art, about creativity. At the seminar, everyone (including me) is standing like a blockwood when asked to choreograph something on the spot. The only exceptions are maybe those students from Lasalle. Although they may not choreograph something that is nice but at least they tried. Not like me. :( Its not that I don't dare to show people, you know. Its that my mind is a total BLANK! I don't have any ideas about the steps at all!

Then in the ballet exam world, everyone (including me) is going to take (or have taken) elementary follow by TC then TD. I mean why is everyone doing the same thing? Its just like after graduating from Accounting, everyone is getting a job in Big4.
Having said all that, in order to continue to teach, I still have to go through the same rigid process myself.... HAIZ...

Recently, I chanced upon a school (American Academy of Ballet) by accident. I'm now a member of that academy.They have a system that I find really good! They combine exam and performance together! They call it performance awards! The concept is similar to the Dorothy Gladstone award, but its applicable for all levels. The exams (12 levels altogther) will take place in a theatre. All the parents and friends will come to watch. There will be judges of course. Each and every child will get a chance to perform some exercises and a solo in front of everyone. Then after the whole thing, the judge will give them certs and medals either gold, silver or bronze. Presently, the academy doesn't have a presence in Singapore. Isn't it great to bring this into Singapore? I tried the first steps program (like pre grades) with the kids. They love it alot!
Will definitely look into the possibility... HHB: maybe we can look into this together if you interested too? :)

... vellerina danced at 10:13 PM ...

Funny gals

{Sunday, May 15, 2005}

I'm having a hard time trying to teach Valerie how to do her turns with a flip of the head... Anybody knows how to teach turns?

You know, I give notebooks to all my preballet girls for them to paste their sticker and sometimes I will write my comments in there. So they have to bring their notebook every lesson. I was amused by this little gal today.

Annika: Ms Lovell, do I have to bring my notebook on the concert day?

Me: NO NEED.. (laughing at how innocent and cute she is)

Kai Hui: Ms Lovell, why does everyone like you?

Me: Of course, I'm so pretty. ;)

Kai Hui: Then the whole class must like me too!!!

Me: Yes, of course. You are very pretty too.

Kai Hui: Ms Lovell, I like you!

KIDS are really cute...

Today I got all the 4 forms back! All the 4 bebe ballet girls I invited last week are interested to do the concert. I'm so happy!

... vellerina danced at 8:17 PM ...

What happen to all my exams?

{Saturday, May 14, 2005}

I thought I decided to take CSTD ele, RAD inter and my driving exam this year!!???

What's happening to all the exams? I haven't got a chance to talk to Ms Ong abt the RAD inter found! AIYO... Why is her coaching class so early?? It seems like CSTD elementary is also out of plans now... no teacher. SIANZ...

I hope to pass driving at least and make sure my gals pass their exams well!

... vellerina danced at 11:11 PM ...

8 hours of shouting.... well almost

{Sunday, May 08, 2005}

Just finished my 8 hours of shouting.... Today I have finished my butterfly part 1 and dancing queen choreo. BUT they are SO messy till I donno how to polish! Maybe I have to re-teach everything again! I also took a BIG risk todae by giving out the letters to invite 4 of my bebe girls to participate in the concert for the "Dance of the little swans". Not sure whether they can make it or not! Its a big challenge to me! *fingers crossed*
TOday I got an RAD examination report from my student who just took the pre-primary exam. The report is so CUTE! It has alot of components like co-ordination, body awareness, music etc etc. A "\" stands for "needs support, a "X" stands for progessing and a "*" stands for competent! hahahahah. My student got lots of "*".
Just got to know that the ticket prices are $38 and $28!!! its more expensive than watching SDT!

... vellerina danced at 9:07 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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