My Life - Ballet

Almost 2 years...

{Friday, June 24, 2005}

This is the moment when I'm free, doing nothing at home and too lazy to continue choreography of Twinkle Dreams. I was lying on the couch staring into blank space when suddenly images of my past 2 years of dancing and teaching come to my mind.

Just 2 years ago, we were just busy preparing for the Swan Lake concert. I had difficulty releveing on one leg. (Did my toe nails drop off or something?) HHB was practicing for her spanish dance on pointe. Now, If you ask both of us to do the dance again, I'm sure we would do better than 2 years ago. I recently saw some of them doing the Spanish dance again. I must say they were indeed much better than 2 years ago.

Then, I was performing in AJC Dance Alumni's concert. It was really nice experience because I received so many flowers and gifts from everybody! That was also one of the so many so many dance experiences that I had together with HHB.

After this came the PPAS performance, we did a dance on pointe and another modern tango. It was wonderful also, as everyone worked SO HARD for the performance. Everyone still remembered how HHB's skin came off almost everytime after tango practice... AND in that perfromance at least we can say we did a proper on pointe dance much better than SwanL days. Personal improvement gained!

A turning point came when we all broke off from Ms N. It was significant, each of us went on to a different teacher to persue our ballet due to differences in timing. I have not seen HHB dance for a long time and I do miss the times that we take classes together and when we gossip about everything before, after and even DURING the class.

Now, I have got some wishes to fulfil.
1) Get elementary
2) Get RAD inter
3) Dance in the same class as HHB again.
4) Do double pirouette PERFECTLY.
5) Balance on pointe in 5th for 5 minutes!

Okie... teaching now.
I started teaching rushing from tampines to Jurong east every sunday after Jazz rehearsal. Do you think its fate? I keep getting wonderful students in JE (so far away) from home. Initially I had the intention to stop JE after gaining more classes in other Crestar branches nearer to home. But the moment I saw Ann, Annika, Louisa, Reina and some others, I knew I will stay. They were so cute and adorable and they have strong legs! They could do their pointing with so much stability. Then at the beginning of this year, I have another talented student - Kai Hui joining the class. I hope they do really well in the exams just like their "seniors". hahahaha

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This is Kaihui!

Then came Valerie, Yi Ching, Yi Ting, Joyce, Jia Ying and Shina. They were my pioneer batch of exam girls. Val was really terrible when she first joined. Her knees were strange and she didn't seem to have any strength in her legs. A miracle happened as she attended more and more classes. She got her strength and nice dance sense. She actually become graceful! And thanks to the help of many people on the exam day - HHB, Sharon and Darling! Everything went on smoothly and I got what I hoped for. I felt really blessed then. This whole class progresed really well together and I believe they have fun every Sunday. Now everyone is busy preparing for the Sept concert and I believe they are really enjoying themselves. I hope they can get good reviews in the upcomign concert, that they pass their exams with excellent results and more and more summer school scholarships. :)

After this class, a new bebe ballet class was set up! This is an amzing class as well. They are so well behaved and strong! NOw, they are graduating to pre-ballet. After this, more and more classes were started and generally, there will also be talented students in every class. I really enjoy teaching them every sunday. The only point when I feel exhausted was after I stepped out of the studio! :) Amazing!

Wishes for teaching:
1) 100% honours
2) Summer school scholarships in Level 2 (maybe in 2007)
3) I'm always able to inspire my students to greater heights. Just like Yaling is so inspiring to me.
4) To know exactly what I want and to teach in a more structured way.
5) I produce a world class ballerina 10-15 years down the road.

... vellerina danced at 1:53 PM ...


{Monday, June 20, 2005}

Loyang's coaching class is confirmed starting. :( I apparently have 7 girls and they are confident that they will get 8. HAIZ....

Celebrated Fathers' Day with grandpa! Fun meeting all the cousins that I have not seen for a long time.

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Annika signed up for exam! Yeh! I got 2 more gals for exam. But I'm still short of my target by 2. Ann's mother didn't want to sign up! Think she this thinking of quiting after the concert leh. :( She say Ann is too short for a long term career in ballet! I was like SUPER shocked that she thought so so so far ahead! But well, can't force the parent, right?

I'm super BLUR today lor... Cannot remember all the dance steps. I didn't make any progress for twinkle dreams. :( I got applause from outside the studio for the Spring Waltz rehearsal! hahahaha. So sweet, the parents. :)

Class was generally okie.

Finished my course at 5pm. But had to work 2nd shift! Now I'm still in office. Sad... but going off soon lah.

LOOKING FORWARD TO SWAN LAKE. I want to buy t-shirt!!!!

... vellerina danced at 8:44 PM ...

MSN chat

{Wednesday, June 15, 2005}

You know today I had a chat with my student on MSN! So cool right? hahahahah. chat about ballet in general and the concert. Val asked me whether she is going to wear a dress for the character of Clara.
So Val is a middle child! She has a elder sister and a younger sister! Asked her whether she is stressed about school work and about ballet exam. She says "NO". :)

I strained my wrist. I think its too much typing! Now I have a tiger-brand plaster on my wrist. So ugly.

Looking forward to next week! Mon- Thurs on course and Friday I'm on leave! Friday is also Swan Lake day. AND 2 of Sis's friends are watching the Swan Lake too! COOL!

Also looking forward to sunday ballet where Val and me are going to ask PingYi whether she is on MSN! hahahah

In office now, waiting to go to sing KTV later.. .woo hoo...

... vellerina danced at 6:34 PM ...

Busy week

{Sunday, June 12, 2005}

Wow... its been so long since I last updated. That's because I have been working late every single day execpt Friday cuz I felt SUPER DUPER tired and drained. I got a feeling that so many things happened but I just can't remember exactly what!

Monday: First day of work from my 2 weeks break. Everyone I bumped into commented about my teeth! So happy.

Saturday: Today I'm damn tired cuz I worked late everyday durign the weekdays!! It affected my teaching quite a bit! Sorry girls :( I have 5 exam gals confirmed (and more is expected) from LP DESPITE the fact that I tried to discourage them from the exam. I actually told all the parents that the exam is NOT necessary. Last resort: Tell the parents I can only form a class with 8 girls and pray hard that there won't be 8 girls! **fingers crossed**
Went for ballet at TPWCC. Ms Ong didn't come, guess she was busy with RAD summer school. Boring class.
Then went for Ms Pam's class. Not bad. She is a nice teacher. I lasted one whole class with my new one-size-bigger demi pointe shoes. I still CAN'T hold my leg in a la seconde. :( Hope its gets better!

Sunday: After a good rest yesterday, I was feeling good in the morning when I woke up (which is a good sign)! Today I' m in a super good mood because of that :)

1015:- The once most dreaded class has become better and is out of the blacklist! They are doing quite okie now although still not the usual bebe ballet standard.

1145:- YES!! the jelly body girl didn't sign up for exam!! Hooray.... Ann and Annika also haven't sign up! Hope they will next week. Donno what's keeping the mummys. They were pretty okie durign the butterfly rehearsal too. Nice!
6 exam girls in total. :(

1230:- Got a shock when I didn't see Valerie's name in the coaching class list. Turns out that the mummy forgot to sign up. *phew* Waltz is quite nice. Flower dance is finishing soon! YEH!
8 exams girls in total. :) All the good girls signed up for exam! so Happy!

2pm:- This is my favourite bebe ballet class! Oh my. I LOVE every single one of them! So well behaved and serious. I've decided to send them for Mar 06 exam. They should be ready by then! Hope the entire class signs up! Lovely gals. (",)

245:- Good class today! Most of them got the pre-ballet walking - at least they did it nicely without wobbling here and there! They in fact they mentioned that they love this walking!! **They are strange, aren't they?** hahahaha. Dancing queen was rather neat (by pre-ballet standards) for the first time! so happy!
8 exam girls altogther.

Twinkle dream:- The girls are learning really fast! We are almost done with the dance, HHB!!! Its just 2 lessons! :))))))))))) But don't expect any fantastic steps, k? It a VERY simple dance with very simple steps. But the whole thing is very sweet because of the music. Oh and we decided WITHOUT any arguement whose going to wear white whose going to wear pink! Louisa says she likes white and Mindy says she likes pink! So good right?! I thought both girls are going to say they like PINK! YEH! Can tell that Mindy loves this dance! Not sure about Louisa though. She seldom smiles while Mindy always SMILES. :)

430:- Okie pre-ballet class, still deciding whether to send them for Mar 06 exam. They just started in Apr 06. Deciding....

515:- This class is officially blacklisted and has moved on to my blacklisted charted. TERRIBLE!!!!

End of day:- Altogether I have 22 exam girls from JE currently. About 4 short from my expectations. :( Still wondering why C can get SO MANY girls for 6 months coaching!!

... vellerina danced at 9:24 PM ...

Summer school in a flash

{Saturday, June 04, 2005}

Mon: The teacher couldn't really control the students very well. At times, the class were noisy and she had to resort to raising her voice at the girls. Jazz was a disaster as she didn't breakdown the steps for the poor little girls.

Tues: The standard of the girls this year is generally not to strong. Maybe its because its level 1 and they are doign quite difficult stuff. I'm surprised to hear from a fellow teacher that some of the girls had joined the same level last year. Think the teacher is quite frustrated with the girls by the end of 2 days. Choreography of the performance dance was slow.

Wed: "Is 2 mins enough?" The teacher asked Mrs T. "They couldn't do anything else." She added. Mrs T just laughed at the comment. The usual noisy little girls shut their mouths upon the arrival of Mrs T. I must say she does have a great presence and a sense of authority in her. Its like she has everything under her control. The children was scolded by Mrs T and reminded quiet throughout the duration that she was in class. She attempted to teach grande jetes, which reminded me of the DVD that I have. Obviously, it was a total disaster in terms of technique but in terms of enjoyment, the girls enjoyed it.

Thurs: The dance was must neater today than yesterday and the day before. Couldn't get anything from the tap section cuz I got no idea about the steps.

Friday: The summer school was held in the Tanglin CC instead of RGS. The studio is pretty nice! The dance became neater than the day before although it was still untidy.

Saturday - Summer school concert day: Had to rush all the way from loyang to SCGS. Arrived there and found one of my student's hair so untidy! Had to quickly do up the hair in the auditorium in front of everyone! A bit embarrassing but no choice. Talked abit to Ms N. Thought she would ignore me. Anyway donno why she is angry lah!
A pleasant surprise came at the end of the concert when Mrs T annouced that my girl won the scholarship! I was quite happy at that moment. Its like.. WOW... she kind of "outshine" all the SCGS girls. Rebecca came to ask me to take a photograph with her so that she can blow it up and stick on the notice board! hahahaah. Of course I'm not going to do that. Even Barbara congratulated me after the event. so nice......

Thoughts: I felt really bad when I saw the other two girls almost tearing because they didn't win. They were too young to understand that they must put in effort to win. I kept on assuring them they are excellent girls. Oh dear... poor little girls... Its really hard on them, isn't it?
The Level 1C HMs are all SCGS gals. I thought one of them was not very deserving of the awards cuz she was so act smart and noisy and spoilt. The other 2 were okie. They were good girls.

... vellerina danced at 11:23 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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