My Life - Ballet

"Its so tough to be a ballerina..."

{Sunday, July 31, 2005}

I never knew children as young as 5 years old can say the above quote. I made the butterflies repeat their dance again and again and again today. After the 6th time, Kai Hui said in frustration, "It's so tough to be a ballerina!" She never fails to amaze me.

I forgot to teach my primary class to FINALE!!! OH NO! OH NO!

It going to be a big mess next sunday.....

... vellerina danced at 8:36 PM ...

No striking and mounting...

{Thursday, July 21, 2005}

Had a bad driving lesson today! I made so many mistakes! More than all the lessons combined! GOSH.... The instructor was shaking his head and the more he did that the more nervous I felt!

I was turning RIGHT using the middle lane when this STUPID toyota picnic cut right into my path! If this happens tmr, = IMMEDIATE FAILURE!

In a nervous state now, doesn't help when I found that all my friends (whom are extremely good drivers) never passed first time!

... vellerina danced at 10:11 PM ...

Lazy week

{Saturday, July 16, 2005}

This whole week was a breeze for me... so nice, everyday knock off at 530 sharp! No more such thing for next week! Think will be busy busy..... and plus I've got driving test! :*

Began my coaching classes ar Loyang point. The jellied bodies were still jellied body. :(

We finally found one day when everyone is free to take pictures for the concert. We spent the whole afternoon posing (the same pose). I have never taken so many pictures (of the same pose) in my life! hahaha. But it was fun and definitely memorable! so cool! Big thanks to MJ for being our photographer! AND here's the product....

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the 4 teachers

Lots of things are still undone. Have to take pictures of the girls in their MESSY hair... YUCKS!

... vellerina danced at 9:52 PM ...


{Monday, July 11, 2005}

Me and a colleague were looking at photos of our past 3 years in the firm today. Everyone changed so much! Amazing you know. Its more amazing that we ourselves didn't even noticed that we were so fat/thin/old/ugly in the past! We were glad that everyone changed for the better. We had a good laugh at all the pictures.

Then after that I was chatting with HHB about Louisa and Mindy. After the chat, I suddenly thought of the day when she graduated from Bebe ballet when she shyly presented me with a stalk of flower! She was so sweet and I think I shall not force her to smile anymore. Its just her and she is just like that - always so serious. A forced smile will never move the audience anyway. Who knows, she might already be trying her best to smile... Don't want to pressurize her and put her off. :) Mindy as usual was smiling so nicely and dancing so nicely throughout the whole rehearsal. so cute!!

How I wish I had one whole class of Mindys and Louisas!

... vellerina danced at 9:16 PM ...

Concert preparations

{Sunday, July 10, 2005}

I have finished buying everything I need for the concert! Oh yeh!!! I'm just left with the dancing queen shoes to make. I dread the day when I will collect all the costumes! Yucks.... have to spray/sew/decorate so many costumes! I think I will die!!!!!!

Today I finally started to rehearse Valerie for her character! OMG.... Its quite scary! I only have about 3 more lessons to go before the 7th Aug full run, where everyone will come to view the items! Its really scary! I just hope Val can remember all the parts she is supposed to come out! I'm under a bit a pressure and I think Val is nervous too! Somemore have to rehearse with the other enchanted forest items. Anyway, we only have about 6 lessons to the actual full dress on 28th Aug! Its SO SO SO fast!

My wish for the concert is that my items will not be too lousy as compared to the other teachers and my girls (especially Louisa and Valerie) all smile nicely on stage!

... vellerina danced at 9:23 PM ...

A "new" me?

{Monday, July 04, 2005}

Even since I took out my braces, people have been telling me I slimed down alot! Got meh? How I wish I really slim down my hips! I feel so fat down there! YEEKS........ Why can't I have ballerina body?

My students asked me whether I changed my hair. I was like "?????". Then they said,

"Ms Lovell, you changed you hair from black to brown right?" They meant dye!!!! hahahahaha.


A "new" me aside. My new bebe ballet class was okie! LUCKILY. No monsters. All well-behaved kids who don't even need mummy to be with them for the first lesson!

... vellerina danced at 9:09 PM ...

recent updates

{Friday, July 01, 2005}

24th June:-
Went to watch Swan Lake with Sista and HHB. Bought 2 TEES, one white with 5 ballerinas and one black tee with the Royal ballet LOGO. So delighted. Then 3 of us and I'm quite sure the whole theatre is overwhelmed by the stunning performance of the prima ballerina and the wonderful set flown all the way from London! 5 thumbs up for the spectular performance!

25th June:-
Wore my black royal ballet tee!
Went on a "shopping" trip with Tricia to choose our flower garlands for the performance. I got my yellow flowers withour much difficultly. Tricia had some problems finding nice blue small flowers. Finally decided on pink and blue garlands for her Waltz girls. The lady at the shop was rather pro, she did everything so fast!
Later, Tricia went to Suntec to meet Jo for some make-up class, donno whether its stage make-up or normal make-up. hee hee
Went for class at KKCC. Finally class has more than 5 people! It was nice. I'm still trying to remember the elel syllabus all over again!

26th June:-
Wore my white royal ballet tee with white leo and white ballet skirt!

"Ms Lovell, you look like... hmmm.... like.... WHITE SWAN!" - Bebe Gal

"You look sweet in this outfit" - O.L

"Ms Lovell, look! I can do this!" - Pre ballet gal referring to the 1st position on the white tee.

I had a whole day of open houses! Every open house was as like the usual class except for monsterous 515 bebe ballet (started on Apr 05). They were behaving better than normal! hmmm.... donno whether its because of their parents inside the room. I just hope they can at least learn how to do a proper jump after this term!

Oh, and I also graduate a class of bebe ballet today! One of the parents came up to me and told me this:

"Thank you very much for your guidance and coaching!. My daughter's posture is so much better than one year ago and she is walking more 'gracefully' now."

... vellerina danced at 3:08 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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