My Life - Ballet

latest happenings in my life

{Monday, August 22, 2005}

Lots of drama during the first week of August. I never cried so much in my life. Shalln't update here. People who know me well should know.

Maybe no one is reading my blog now. But I think I will still write hoping that I have an occasional audience....

Thursday classes were really bad.... one class is enough to kill my voice.

Mondays were much better. Haven't thought them the dances yet. Intend to teach them after the concert when they can concentrate better for the examination. I have very high expectations from this batch of girls as many of them had started from Bebe ballet with me abt 1.5 years ago. I'm really excited to see how well that the girls I trained from scratch can perform. But on the other hand, I hope I'm not pushing them too hard that they dislike ballet. Balance is really important here.

I'm really really stressed about the concert as the girls are not up to my performing standards yet. None of them can be considered good. I realise my girls, with the exception of a few rare ones, lack stage presence. This is something that is so difficult to teach. I can find myself making them repeat again and again without improvement. This is really frustating.

On the last note, I hope everything goes on well.

... vellerina danced at 10:42 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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