My Life - Ballet

I feel like a princess who found her prince charming

{Thursday, October 27, 2005}

It was raining as heavily as it is now. In fact, it was pouring. It was so cold. Both of us were hiding in the shelter. Even though I was at the shelter, I could feel the heavy rain drops on me. He was hugging me so tightly to keep me warm.

We gazed at each other. He said I was god's gift to him and would never let me go. At that moment, I felt like a female lead in a Korean Drama.

He planted a gentle kiss on my raindrops-wet cheek.

I wished the world would come to a standstill at that moment.

... vellerina danced at 10:35 PM ...

Wonderful night

{Saturday, October 22, 2005}

I had a really wonderful birthday celebration yesterday! Lots of presents and KTVing and wonderful cheesecake from Baker's Inn. I got a lovely pair of ballerina hairclips and pendant, a wonderful earrring holder + handmade and come butterflies! and a LOVELY cushion for me to put in my car and a "He's not that into you" book and ALSO not to forget a ballerina TONG from DAR DAR DAR!!!!

Thank you all for spending such a wonderful evening with me! I'm 25 years old liao lor!!! SO OLD!!!!! hahahahaha

S came down especially to celebrate my birthday as well. Very sweet of him. All of us sang till 1pm! Everyone gave me face by staying throughout the night!


Wedding dinner to attend later... double happiness and night out with S and FW gang to follow. :)

... vellerina danced at 5:27 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

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