My Life - Ballet

Surprise flowers!!!

{Monday, November 28, 2005}

I was having a tiff with my baby yesterday night. And you know what, for the whole of today he did not send me a single sms and gave me a single call. I got more and more pissed as the day goes by. Super super pissed till i saw Lipei's pretty little "beauties" - primary. I had so much fun teaching them and I called them "beauties" cuz there are so many pretty gals in that class! Donno where they from (probably tuesday). And i saw Mindy!!! YEepi. Had a good class!

Then my anger was totally reduced to zero when I opened my house door and saw this .......

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... vellerina danced at 11:48 PM ...

Exams over!! 3 cheers!!

{Friday, November 25, 2005}

Yes!! Finally all my exams are OVER! I'm so relieved. I feel so good everytime after exams are over cuz then its time for me to finally NOT do exam work in class and we can learn new stuff in class! So interesting!! yeh yeh yeh!

A BIG BIG BIG HUG to Dar dar, Lipei, Zuo En and Sharon for helping me in the exams! Luckily for them if not i would not have managed to run the examination so smoothly. Mrs Alback told me the girls were LOVELY when I served her lunch! Hope they have good results!! So proud of Annika, Kai Hui and Holly for scoring Honours Plus (hope i didn't see wrongly)! I'm so happy that the whole group made it! hahahah

A BETTER news of the week was I am FINALLY getting my car in Mid Dec (more than 2 months wait)!!!! SO SO SO SO SO excited abt it! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Also looking forward to see Lipei's planet performance!!

... vellerina danced at 8:19 PM ...

letter from a dear student's family

{Saturday, November 19, 2005}

Dear Ms Lovell,

It is of great reluctance on my part and sadness on Louisa's, to let you know that she will be leaving you at the end of December.

As you know, my other 2 girls are in SBA, which make good sense to enroll Louisa there too. You can imagine the inconvenience and the amount of time we spend if they are in different schools.

Under your tutelage, we can see that Louisa has developed the love for dance and her confidence has improved tremendously. She has really enjoyed herself.

My husband and I wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation and thanks for the love and exposure that you have given her.

May we wish you many happy years of teaching!

Yours truely,
Dave & Philly
18 November 2005


I was so touched after reading this letter. I wish Louisa all the best and may you be a principal ballerina one day! I will always love you! :)

... vellerina danced at 8:27 PM ...

Guess what! I haven't got my car till now?! Its getting really frustrating. I hate unknowns and the worse thing is the people cannot commit on a date that I will definitely get the car! DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!

My life so far is lovely! I just finished my exams in LP, after the exams I make it a point not to send them in for another exam. They all cannot make it. One of the girls stil dare to ask me when is the next exam??!! CRAZY. Still don't get the idea of how bad they are? Compare them with Lipei's thursday gals, if they get honours, LP gals should just get a pass. That's how much I think of them. Sometimes I really wonder whether that's because of me! How can the whole class all be SO lousy?

On the other hand, my JE gals are better. Even Sharon (a non-dancer) can tell the difference between JE and LP gals! Fainted.
Primary girls are giving me strange timing just now. The music is rather stange too! Wooo...
But any how, I still love to teach the JE gals, they are so much stronger and firmer.
I was just wondering how many honours plus will I get this time? Will Ping Ghee get honours plus? Louisa? The thought of the fierce looking examiner doesn't give me a good feeling.
All the best for my exams on Friday!

I'm getting busy at work now! More and more in-charge assignment. Attitude of the juniors is driving me crazy. All lazy bums!

Relationship is also quite stable. I know he is working very hard to gain my trust again. I really appreciate that. He got me a jewellery box from korea for me to put the pearl necklace and earrings he gave me for my birthday. Then, he will continue to "help" me fill up the box. When the box is filled, he will give me THE blue box (read: Tiffany & Co). Hope the day really comes!


... vellerina danced at 8:22 PM ...

back from the land of smiles

{Tuesday, November 08, 2005}

Everywhere you go, people will greet you with a smile and say "Sawadica" (not sure whether its the right spelling). And they thank you with a gesture (palm to palm) and say "Kapunca". Generally, the people are very friendly and are not agressive in nature. Gals there are so pretty and demure, no wonder Ang Mohs like them so much.

Never spend so much time shopping in my life before! ALL 3 days of shopping. From Chatuchat market, MBK centre, central world (Jim Thomson!!!!), Suan Lam night market and massages near Siam Centre. SUPER SUPER fun girly shopping trip. Bought so many bras that its enough to last me for one year. Everyone has presents!

Totally enjoyed the massages which is like super cheap as compared to Singapore!


Coca Restaurant in Bangkok - SUPER CHEAP
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See! all 3 of us bought the same Jim Thomson bag! hahaha
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... vellerina danced at 6:35 PM ...

Are ballerinas air heads?!

{Thursday, November 03, 2005}

I was reading this book when I came across a comment that says "Ballerinas are all air heads." I interpreted this as the ballet dancer's head is filled with nothing but air and ballet. This make me ponder alot about myself.

For me, whenever I'm not working, I'm either in a dance studio or at home. I suddenly remember HOW LONG I have not stepped into orchard road to shop when I was having hi-tea with Lipei on Tuesday. This is not very normal, is it? My clothes may be SUPER out of fashion and I still don't realise it!

People are travelling, roller blading, diving, wake boarding, swimming, playing tennis, playing golf and playing all sorts of things. I have not done these in a long time. Some of these things I have not even tried before in my life! Am I missing in alot of other activities due to my intense concentration in ballet? When I meet up with a group of new friends, sometimes I do have difficulty striking a conversation with them! I don't even have any idea about the latest movie in town.

I hate to admit this but I think I really lack general knowledge apart from ballet and general accounting stuff.

I won't know what type of wine is good.
I don't know how to pronounce very very basic french and italian main courses on the restuarant menu.
I don't know where exactly is Germany on the world map.
I don't know the different cities in USA and Europe.
I only found out recently that the first Disneyland is opened in Orlando, before that I don't even know that Orlando exist!
I haven't been to any Disneyland in my life.
I haven't been to US or Europe.


... vellerina danced at 9:53 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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** My Story **

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October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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