My Life - Ballet

Back from heaven...

{Monday, February 13, 2006}

Haven't blogged for ages. But I feel that this is an important event for me to blog and remember. I had the most wonderful Valentine in my life last saturday at the fullerton hotel.

After checking in, we were ushered to our little mini suite by the front desk staff. After she opened the door, there was a long passageway that lead to a opening where I could see a glism of the dining table - the place where we are going to have our valentine dinner. Along the passageway, there was a cabinet where the safe is and some tiny drawers which I donno for what purpose. Further up on my right, I saw a WALK-IN wardrobe with a leather stool inside! Finally we passed those and came to the entrance of the bedroom. I was like "WOW", in silence of course. The lady (who brought us up to the room) then quickly made sure everything was okie, and ask what time would we like our dinner to be and she went off.

The moment she went off, I did 7 pose turns and finished on croise in 4th position for my baby! (HHB: I did not knock into anything! *clap clap*) The room is SO HUGE and the ceiling of the room is so HIGH!!! Its like you can do a pas de deux and the gal will never never hit the ceiling!

We went on to explore the room in further detail and we found their matchbox is so COOL. Its long in shape and the matches are black in color with a silver head! Being the usual itchy hand me. I open all the drawers that I could find and explore everything single opening. Everything is so nice and COOL! The giantic bed is also rised and I had to tip toe a bit to sit on it and its so comfortable with 4 HUGE pillows on it.

Bathroom is amazing too. It has a HUGE bathtub and the seperate shower room and a seperate room for the toilet bowl. Can you imagine how huge it is? haha. So we went on to explore the shower room. It has 2 types of shower - one HUGE flat round that is fixed on top and a small long rod. When you on the big one, it feels really like a shower! you know, like raining? Then the small one is the normal one where you use at home. COOL!

I took a bubble bath and we had so much fun trying to make bubbles. hahaha Feel like a queen cuz he was serving me a drink and checking and making sure everything was okie, like those people in the spa. haha. Then I realised he's so romantic and has attention to very small details that very few guys have. Like he will serve the water on a very nice plate and put some rose petals on it to decorate and light up candles for me and make everything so nice and sweet. Thumbs up for that, baby!

Dinner was so cool toO! Its a french dinner and there were 4 courses including dessert. So they actually had to serve the courses in 15-minute interval, so every 15 mins they had to ring our door bell and poor baby has to open the door every 15 mins. haha so cute. Oh and everytime they came into the hotel, there were at least 3 waiters! hahaha so cool. Feel like queen again. :)

After dinner, we waltz (anyhow waltz one lah) a bit before retiring as I had to teach the next day...

Next morning, we had a wonderful breakfast in the Town restaurant before I sent him off.

Can't wait to see him again. Still feeling like a princess now.... ;)

... vellerina danced at 10:42 AM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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