My Life - Ballet

Happy Teachers' Day!!!

{Thursday, August 31, 2006}

I'm so touched when my students give me flowers, self made cards and other cute little presents during teachers' day. I believe that shows how much they love me, right? Or rather how much the parents love me? haha. Whatever it is, I'm really happy to receive the presents. :)

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... vellerina danced at 12:12 AM ...

Back from KL...

{Monday, August 21, 2006}

Had so much fun in KL. Baby surprised me with a bouquet of flowers - purple roses!!! :):):)

It just feels super funny when I always come back with nothing from KL trips. Mummy ask me how come I never buy anything at all since its the Malaysia Mega Sales. I was like "donno!"

Baby bought me an ELLE face towel and I'm using it right now! very very nice and smooth.

Everything is more defined now. My evenings are filling up very soon. Got a call from Aunty Liming to confirm all the loyang point classes. Great! :)

... vellerina danced at 2:03 PM ...

regaining strength

{Monday, August 14, 2006}

I'm finally not working that late everyday. I finally have time to breathe. I have time to talk to my baby. I have time to do my own things. I have to for my blog! Realised I only have a few entries for the whole of 2006.

I tried to take class photos of the JE gals on sunday. Only remembered that I was supposed to take photos after 245pm! hahahaha so only had like 3 classes of photos. Never mind! I will take them on the coaching class day (coming wed)

As days passes and the deadline I give myself to decided whether to quit or not is drawing near, I received encouragements from my dearest Sister and Sammy and HHB. They made my path clearer. I'm more determined to make a major transistion in my career.

Thank you all for your encouragements!

... vellerina danced at 10:54 PM ...

Baby I'm sad

{Saturday, August 12, 2006}

Mummy is talking to someone now...

Daddy is irresponsible. He is not supporting mummy anymore. He says no one is giving him money. No one cares. All he does when he comes home is to ask me for money. Every word that he says is about money. He does not love us anymore. I'm disappointed with him.

Mummy sounds like she has a new love? She's got lots of calls on her mobile everyday.

The whole family is falling apart.

Hope my darling sister graduates soon. Then I can set my mind at ease.

Sometimes I feel I'm selfish to a certain extend by buying the car. If I never buy my car, I can give my mummy more money.

Should I still go ahead and quit my job?

... vellerina danced at 9:59 PM ...

It's time for a evaluation

{Tuesday, August 08, 2006}

Shanghai Concert (6th Aug 2006)
First time I saw my students perform live on stage! A very different feeling as compared to when I was the one cheorographing. I feel like a parent watching my kids dance and I'm so proud of them.
I appeared at the VT backstage after JE classes and everyone was so overjoyed to see me. I saw all my students and Mindy! So overjoyed that I can take pictures with them all.
I enjoyed the show but felt that Singaporean students have a lot to learn from students in China.

Major decision
I spend close to 4 years in auditing and ballet teaching. Had a good taste of the corporate world. Learnt a lot of things but I feel like moving closer to the world of ballet and develope my expertise in this field for long term. But haven't decided on a date to move on yet.
More classes are definitely in the cards. More classes would mean more coaching classes and it has come to a point when I do not have anymore weekday evening slots! I only have Thursday nights free now, which is totally crazy. Most probably will be sending exam gals in March 2007 to ease out the crampness for Nov 2007 exam.

Evaluating ballet career
Singapore ballet market is getting more and more saturated. My goodness. Look at the number of major gals produced by Ms Lee. They are all up and coming teachers who are going to dominate. We are kind of losing bargaining power. Gosh.
I wonder if KL market is that saturated. I hope I'm one of the pioneers and they seriously lack teachers over there. So excited at the thought of it. Urgently needs the TC to accomplish that.
Think 2007 will be a major turning point in my life as it has been safe and stagnant for a while. Its time I get out of the comfort zone and move on. I must be brave and take the first step. Otherwise I will never know how is it like to be a full time ballet teacher.

... vellerina danced at 3:39 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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** My Story **

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December 2004
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April 2005
May 2005
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July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
February 2006
May 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
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