My Life - Ballet

The older you get, the less friends you have

{Wednesday, November 08, 2006}

I came to realised that all friendships, bondings and other forms of relationships will eventually come to an halt one day. How many of your childhood friends are still in contact with you now? How about primary school classmates, secondary school classmates, JC and even university classmates are you still in frequent contact? Countable with your 5 fingers? Its damn sad right? The older you get, you find it increasingly hard to sustain those friendships that you have had while you were still studying.

Some friends become wives, some friends become mummys. The topics you talk about are so different. Opinion changes overtime. Some people that you click with years ago might not click with you now. Friends going away in search of better prospects. Some others have a clear goal in their minds.

While my goal is clear, sometimes it becomes translucent when the financial aspect comes in. The thought of re-settling in other city gives me butterflies at times but I often tell myself I have to be strong to re-adjust to the change. But then again, I have never needed to re-adjusted to another surroundings in my life. Just hope everything will be okie and me and my family will led a peaceful 2007!

... vellerina danced at 3:03 PM ...

To do list for Nov and Dec 06

{Wednesday, November 01, 2006}

1) Ensure everyone passes with flying colors in CSTD exam on 10 Nov (trying hard!)

2) Search for Grade 2, 3, 4 classical dance music

3) Search for competition dance music

4) Choreograph competition group and solo dance

5) Choreograph Grade 2, 3, 4 classical dance

6) Finish my own CSTD exam.

7) Buy theory book and study for TC.

SO MANY things to do but so little time. I got to finish all these so that I can have a peaceful mind during my Christmas and New year holiday break! Wish me luck!

... vellerina danced at 3:06 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

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** My Story **

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November 2005
December 2005
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August 2006
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