My Life - Ballet


{Saturday, December 09, 2006}

When you get the results, you are not sure whether the girls performed really well that day or T was in a very good mood that day. ha... Freaking 60% Honours Plus! The rest of the girls with Honours must be thinking that their honours is no good. Anyways... Thank you sista, HHB and Tricia for helping me in mock exams as well as actual exam day.

One parent was very honest with me today. She asked me if her girl can join the comp class. If not, she will transfer her girl to BT. Very realistic, which is what parents are nowadays, isn't it? NO feelings involved. As long as the location is convenient, they will go, what is 2 years to them? Nothing. Pondered on the thought for a while.

My conclusion is: Since I did not choose her in the first place, there must be something not right, why waste time to think of reasons to let her be in the comp class. Let her go..... :)

... vellerina danced at 8:45 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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