My Life - Ballet

Nice picture!

{Tuesday, July 31, 2007}

When I look at this picture (see below), I was so envious! Although its not perfectly well placed, I never had a picture like that when I was young (not now even). I believe this student will treasure this picture.

Realised that I was so busy these few months, I have not been dancing at all! Oh dear, my bones feel stiff. How to wear pointe shoes to take photos next monday? Oh no! *nervous*

AND I haven't finished all my dances for the concert!! *nervous*

AND I haven't finished makeing half of my hair accessories for this concert! *nervous*

Yeeks... have to buck up and stop playing the RAT game!

... vellerina danced at 11:28 AM ...

Presents from US!!!

{Monday, July 23, 2007}

Sister bought me so many presents! heee

... vellerina danced at 4:32 PM ...

What an emotional day!!!

{Sunday, July 22, 2007}

First, I would like to thank SAM, LIPEI, DARLING SISTER and JEAN for showing so much support throughout the preparation and TODAY!

I'm so OVERYJOYED!! Both my solos won medals in the 9th Asia Pacific dance competition! Both K and M was so supportive of each other and the 3 of us were so emotional backstage. First, K did her solo beautifully and sharply. I'm so extremely proud that our hardwork paid off! I broke into tears (was so moved and touched) when Mindy performed her solo SO confidently and emotionally on stage. After both of them performed, I told myself no matter what happens, they have both done their best and they are winners in my heart. So you can imagined how overjoyed I am when BOTH of them won!

Group dance was also perfect! I really think they should win but the Judge thought otherwise!! Let the messy and noisy group win! What to do, I'm not the judge. haha. But gals, I really think you did wonderfully today! EXCELLENT!

A little "technical" error happened at the prize presentation ceremony. Mrs T announced the wrong name!! It should have been M but she went to read another girl's name! SO OFF!!! And the gal took all the glory that is rightfully M's!! So unfair and PISSED! and that girl is Ms N's student! What a small world. Never mind la, let her be happy lor! But we all knew who won! :D

I actually shed tears of joy after all my gals finished dancing. And I was "hidding in" Sam's shoulder cause all my gals were just sitting next to me! Sorry i need to praise myself a little bit here now! Winning or losing didn't matter that much to me but of course I still kind of want to win after putting in SO much effort! After feeling proud of my girls, I think I'm a little proud of myself too.. kekeke... My work (be it choice of dance, costume, music, choreography) is recognised on an Asia Pacific level! I'm floating nowwwww................ woooooooo

... vellerina danced at 8:25 PM ...

Trial make up & fitting

{Thursday, July 19, 2007}

Wooooo... trial make up & fitting done! Now have to meet up with the florist! What flower should I get? What flower should I put on my hair. SO many to choose from. Should I take the photos with pointe shoes? I haven't been dancing for so long!! I do not know where to go for the outdoor shoot. So many things to settle and decide. Headz blowing........


... vellerina danced at 10:41 PM ...

Competition Rehearsal

{Tuesday, July 17, 2007}

I thought I was pretty cool about the competition. But I was wrong. For some reason I felt a little nervous after the rehearsal and the nervousness is getting stronger.... I hate that feeling!

I was very pleasantly surprised by the group dance cuz they managed to do their formation VERY nicely despite having only using the stage twice! Very proud of them. :D BUT NO SMILE from ANYONE!! :( :( :( This could well cost their win! Costumes look pretty nice on stage. SMILE MORE, gals!! *fingers cross*

Mindy was super nervous! But she still manged to dance her steps gracefully and won BIG cheering and applause from ME and Louisa's mum! Mindy: Try to relax, be confident of yourself! You can do it!! *fingers cross*

Kaihui's solo was well done but with no SMILE! :( After looking at the solos side by side... finally agreed that Hui's solo was slightly stronger. BIG applause from ME again! Kaihui: SMILE!! and rise on the arabesque on STRAIGHT knee! You look like a dancing princess when you smile. *fingers cross*

B kept commenting that my costumes was so lovely!! *blush* keke

Parents must be thinking why is this Ms Lovell applausing like a crazy fan?!! hahahah Lipei, Sam and Jean must do the same ok? Too bad my darling sista [who is in the NTU cheerleading team is still on her way home from US!!! :( ]


... vellerina danced at 11:31 PM ...

Happy Marriage, Vee!

{Sunday, July 15, 2007}

Attended a wonderful wedding yesterday. My dear friend Vee is married and moving to NY! Wishing her happy marriage and honeymoon! And I saw Joan Lim at the wedding too!
Some pictures to share.

Me and baby at the cocktail reception. Equal height :P

Us with the wedding couple. Notice the SMALL eyes and the big eyes! Our children will definitely have small eyes...

Me and SOPPPHHIIAAAAAA.. Close colleagues :)

Me and baby again, at the end of the wedding dinner. The wedding was till like 11 plus! Crazy.. Have decided to wear this pretty little dress (baby's gift) for my Sept Concert. :D

And look at the temp curls after one day.. Still nice... Lots of compliments from students and people in JE! worth the money... keke

... vellerina danced at 10:07 PM ...

Status UPdate

{Saturday, July 07, 2007}

Items to Choreograph

1) Barbie Dolls - JE 1015am
2) Classical - JE 11am
3) At the Beginning - JE 12pm => DONE :)
4) Musical Box Ballerinas - JE 2pm => DONE :)
5) Cinderella - JE 245pm => DONE :)
6) Ribbon Dance - JE 345pm
7) Tambourine Dance => DONE :)
8) Classical Solo => DONE :)
8) Modern Solo => DONE :)

9) Korean Dolls - LP 1015am
10) Classical - LP 1015 & 1115am => DONE :)
11) Feel the Beat - LP 1212pm => DONE :)
12) Reflection - LP 130pm => DONE :)
13) Mechanical Dolls - LP 230pm

14) A whole New World - HG 730pm & 815pm

... vellerina danced at 9:48 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

** My Students **

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