My Life - Ballet

Joke of the week!

{Monday, August 27, 2007}

This girl really makes my day! Although she doesn't dance that well. Her cuteness and innocence more than make up for everything.

I was explaining to the barbie dolls class what is going to happen during the 6th and 7th Sept rehearsal and concert day.

Whole class: Will there be food in the afternoon? I will get hungry then.

Me: Yes yes, of course, there will be afternoon tea like cakes or bread and maybe milo.

Sharmaine: Yeh! I love milo!

Wanxin: Do you have ice kacang? I love ice kacang!


Now I know I'm teaching a group of hungry people! Just like me! :D

... vellerina danced at 1:39 PM ...

New "pointe shoes"

{Tuesday, August 14, 2007}

Adding to my shoe collection is this! Baby bought it for me in KL.. Yippie!

... vellerina danced at 9:41 AM ...

Pre wedding photo shoot

{Tuesday, August 07, 2007}

Finally!! One big item in the entire wedding agenda checked! :D Had a fun but tiring day of photo shooting! The day started out at 10am. We were late! haha! Luckily we didn't forget anything major! Flowers arrived at 1030am, but they weren't spectacular! The photographer used maybe about 3-4 shots throughout the entire shoot! I must tell the florist!

The studio took quite long! I had 4 outfits. (One short, 2 gowns and my ballerina wedding gown) The first 2 outfits were very quick. The photographer took very quick shots. But S very funny.. cuz he will smile AFTER the photographer snapped! haha and whenever the photographer told us to look at each other, I will burst out laughing. Don't know why! But after a while I got used to it.

Time to shoot my purple evening gown: My hairstyle was very NOT me! It was those kind of messy hairstyle... Looked very matured in the hair. The photographer used a fan and kept experimenting with the arrangement of my dress's fabric. All of the people present (sister, S and the make up artist) were roped in to help hold the fabric at different angles to achieve the effect he wanted. I just felt very cooling standing there.

Wedding gown: Waited for this part very long. Cuz this is the part where I will put on my pointe shoes!! Again the photographer played with the tulle and asked me to hold the gown in different ways to get a ballerina bride effect. I liked 2 of the ballerina pictures (from my own camera) alot! We spent quite a long time to take the ballerina shots. Later then I understand from him that he came from an art background and likes the movements and poise of ballerinas. And he has also recently took another ballerina. I saw the ballerina's picture in his studio gallery. She did a GRANDE JETE (like those Don Quixote kind) !!! SO PRETTY. S is so cute also.. He stood behind the photographer while he was taking my shots and kept making the thunbs up sign! :) S says that he will blow up the ballerina picture to hang in our new room if its nice!! *HAPPY*

Outdoor: Went to botanic gardens and Sentosa. The sky is nice but got ALOT of insects went into my wedding gown!! and they kind of trapped inside the tulle! YUCKS! I saw like at least 3 other couples at Sentosa and botanic gardens! But one of them was so funny. The photographer was trying to taking a picture of them running! So they were like running for more then 5 times! POOR them! So hot still have to run! hahaha

The day ended with me EXTREMELY hungry. So I was in a bad mood on the way home! Haha Thanks to S and Sister for accomodating me! And thank you sister for taking so many nice pictures of us!

Looking forward to the picture selections!

... vellerina danced at 7:17 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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