My Life - Ballet

Belly Blitz again!

{Thursday, January 24, 2008}

I went to try out the Belly dance class (thurs) once more again. This time this class is quite different from wednesday one as its a different teacher. This thursday class teacher is so petite and pretty and she giggles quite a bit. She is quite enthusiatic and smiles ALL the time when dancing. (I wondering whether she is tired not from the dancing but from the smiling! hah)

Thursday belly dance is at a slower and so much more manageable pace than wed.

This whole week will be try-outs of all classes so that I can fix a schedule permenently.

Did I mention I even tried areobics? Oh my goodness, its boring to the maximum considering that its so fast-paced. I will never attend any more aerobics classes!

So I have fixed belly dance on my workout schedule.

My Workout Schedule
Mon : ?
Tues : ?
Wed Morning : Belly Blitz
Thurs Afternoon: Belly Blitz
Friday : REST!

... vellerina danced at 9:58 PM ...

Belly Blitz

{Wednesday, January 23, 2008}

Just came back from my belly dancing class. Its amazing! I finally can sweat alot at my tummy area! Shook hips for one hour non-stop. Its such a great workout and fun dance to learn. The class was quite fast-paced and the teacher didn't go into the details of the steps as almost everyone seem to already know them. haha. Think I need more practise.

The class started with some basic hip shakes and arm movements (warm-up). Then it progressed faster and faster as the tempo of the music increased. The class ended with a short dance piece choreographed to the steps that we learnt in the beginning.

Think I did okie lah. I was focusing on the teacher's every movement as its my first time.

Some new terms (if I caught it correctly)
Bicycle - use one side of your hip to do a inward circle followed by outwards.
Shimmys - Shaking of hips only on toes while maintaining still upper body. (i did something like a open leg courru)
Chasse - 3 step linking step
Camel - A movement of the tummy forward and backward (like wave) while on toes and bent knee (one leg is in front of another)

More belly dancing tmr!!!! :D

... vellerina danced at 2:39 PM ...

Yeh! I signed up

{Tuesday, January 22, 2008}

After considering for about 4 days and a trial yoga lesson, I finally decided to sign with with the fitness club! Yeh! The yoga class was challenging! Wow..alot of poses and stunts that I never learn before. Now my arms are still aching. The teacher is a super fit looking "auntie". So flexible and agile at her age! Amazing. She even tried to demostrate a difficult step when she had injured her big toe. Not only the teacher, but the class had quite a number of very fit-looking middle aged women. I look very unfit in comparision. *ashamed*
As my package gives me unlimited access to the club, my aim is to go at least 3 times a week. Tomorrow I will go for the belly blitz - belly dance and aerobics combined! Never ever learnt belly dance before, so excited to try.
Will update about the class when I'm back....

... vellerina danced at 3:00 PM ...

Happy 2008!

{Thursday, January 17, 2008}

Hey everyone! I'm finally back! Had a busy yet eventful 2007! Also travelled to somewhere further than KL, which was so cool and educative and fun! I must make sure we travel at least once a year to somewhere, really learnt many things when travelling.

Now that I have finally settled down after my wedding and teacher's exam, I have so much free time and hence started to think about more yoga classes. Chanced upon this all-women gym club - amore fitness. They offer very interesting classes like Cardio-Latino and BellyBlitz. Sounds super cool and interesting. So now comtemplating whether to join the club or not. Should I?

Glad to know that HHB is settling down very well in US and is enjoying everyday of her studies to the fullest. Really happy for her. Hope I can visit her one of these days as I always wanted to go to US to attend the Summer Holiday program for teachers. Air ticket is so ex though....

I haven't got my TC cert yet!!! "HURRY UP" agrzzzzzzz It going to take ages and my pay increment is also going to take ages! My goodness. I hate it!

... vellerina danced at 2:01 PM ...

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twenty seven

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