My Life - Ballet

Happy RAT year!

{Monday, February 11, 2008}

First time giving ang baos to the little ones during Chinese New Year! So sad... only collected a handful of angbaos from the elders. Learnt so many things, I must look after the interest of not only myself but also my family. So many people to please.
You know me right? The more people tell me to follow this and follow that, the more I WON"T want to follow. Hubby is always angry at me for not listening. Finally back to normal schedule. :D

... vellerina danced at 4:45 PM ...

My Workout Schedule

{Friday, February 01, 2008}

Went for all the classes that I wanna try out for the past 2 weeks. Here's what I finalised.

Monday afternoon: Cardio Latino ? (This class is fun but its super crowded and have to wait to bathe after class. Should I continue?)

Tuesday morning: Stretch Fit ? (Haven't tried! But its the same lovely instructor as Thursday belly blitz. Looking forward to try after CNY)
Tuesday afternoon: Cardio Latino ? (This class is opposite from monday. It has so FEW people and the instructor is an angmoh who gives those grand battements en rond to a class with 50% aunties! Obviously they can't catch! Even me find it a bit too fast! But her combinations are tricky and fun though, just pity those aunties and maybe that's why there are so few people! haha)

Wednesday morning: Belly Dance (Angmoh instructor whom I suspect is from Middle East. keke. Not too bad lah but she doesn't really explain in detail. After 2 lessons I still cannot get the camel step - rolling your tummy forward and backwards as you move digonally forward with your feet)

Thursday afternoon: Belly Blitz (This is my favourite instructor. She is such a sweet and smiley lady whom bothers to break down all the steps and do corrections. Her classes are always very fun and happy cuz she is always smiling and encouraging you. After 2 lessons, I managed to catch all the steps and combinations she taught.
I must smile more in my classes as I think my students will feel the same as me!)

New vocabulary from Belly:
1) Dessert flower: 1.5 hip rolls travelling sideways and ending with a tap on the opposite leg.

2) Chu chu (maybe wrong spelling) : Its like corrus in ballet!! parallel feet travelling from side to side!

3) Pyramid arms: Like la syhipide arm (not the crossed both hands in front one, its the other one) but the higher arm instead of placing under the chin its touching the forehead.

4) Side Salute arm: One hand up (2nd finger touching forehead) and other hand in 2nd position but palms face down.

... vellerina danced at 1:17 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

** Your Words **

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