My Life - Ballet

Summer School Results!

{Saturday, May 31, 2008}

Let's have the pictures to do the talking!

Left: Level 2c Scholarhip winner - Teo Kai Hui
Right: Level 2c Medalist - Vera Chiew

There are my level 2 winners! Congrats!

My "children"! hahaa

Extreme right: Level 3c Scholarhip Winner - Mindy Liong

Me, Mindy & Summer school teacher - Camille Safton

... vellerina danced at 11:21 PM ...

Summer School Week

{Thursday, May 29, 2008}

This week is so happening and busy! hahaha For the first time I have girls in 3 levels - Level 1, 2 & 3. Been spending some time to observe the girl's classes for the beginning of this week. The girls generally did really well, although I have really shy girls like "Y" who loves to stand at the back and be in low profile. haha

M, V and K are really doing well in their levels. Especially M who is only 8, she is doing the classes with 9 and 10 year olds! Really very proud of her!

M & K are both performing their solos YET again for the 100th time for the summer school concert (afternoon show). So this saturday, I'm going to be ultra busy again!

Will be updating videos of the concert (if I can!) and details of the day soon!

... vellerina danced at 11:43 AM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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