My Life - Ballet

CSTD Dance Competition 2008

{Monday, July 28, 2008}

After months of hard work and repeated practises, my hard work finally paid off and was recognised after one of my students gained 1st place in the Under 8 category. I was over the moon and extremely happy. I guess I was over the moon because I do not expect my girl to win the 1st place.

To more experienced teachers, this 1st place maybe nothing, but to me its a BIG deal! This again tells me that I have what it takes! I did not want to take much credit last year for H and M's win. H had other training elsewhere whereas M was a natural dancer.

This year, I have to claim credit for the win as V had been with me since bebe ballet and with no other training elsewhere. She was also not a natural like M. I had to tell her exactly what to do with her arms specifically. :) I feel so super proud of myself!

Would also like to thank hubby, sister, Jean, KH and mummy for coming by all the way to support me and the girls! :D

... vellerina danced at 10:59 PM ...

** The Ballerina **

twenty seven

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